- My topic Practical programming with ...
- Can you send some working example on a bot with start stop button in form with loop. Loop started when press start and stop when press stop. i cant find any example bots so therefor i ask for a example using this functions.
- 2021-12-01 10:31
- My topic Still no use of this software
- PLease update software or make new from scratch that can handle regiister acounts! I buy for testing 5 yahoo acounts. All work to create twitter acount as every email is registered at twitter and i get emails in these acounts from twitter But not a single one is marked sucessfull in software. They just not registered with sms verification. All with calls. Please really make a change in software so we ccan create at least 1 acount with this expensive program
- 2017-06-21 07:03
- My topic Sms verification
- How to get non phone call verification best so we can use sms verification that should work? Private proxies or what more?
- 2017-05-26 12:09
- My topic cant install
- Cant install true whitehatbox. why?
- 2017-05-08 02:40
- My topic Phone verification not work.
- No number for twitter in http://getnumber.whitehatbox.com i just refill and still no twitter numbers. please fix asap
- 2017-03-17 03:11
- My topic No phone verify still dont ...
- We pay and pay and refill for use this software. Its not strange people tired to have it. Always some bugs and problem. We cant create any twitteracount without this vital thing at twitter. Its time to check true software and get all things working. we pay a lot and things seems not be finnish. Under this year we havent chans to use it a lot because of all bugs. Please check it and update things that not work.
- 2017-03-17 03:10
- My topic When is twitter phoneverifi...
- It has been more then a couple days now since you said it should soon work, Its no numbers in phonenumber website for twitter. I have fuel it with money but still no twitter numbers. Is it still possible to create acounts with good twitter private proxies?
- 2017-01-03 04:49
- My topic Emails with catchall adresses
- Look at hhtp://seospartans.com where you can buy cheap catchall adresses. I want you to add catchall functions so its easy to create many emails true catchall. Check under their homepage " How Catchalls Work "Most seo softwares uses it today.
- 2016-12-12 09:29
- My topic Export acounts to suit for ...
- Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version: update both software to work directly to eachother. Cant import acounts in tweets attack 4 pro(CSV).
- 2016-05-26 10:54
- My topic Retry all types of errors X...
- Can you add a way to retry failed acount creations and change proxy if its fail because of proxy connection errors? Many times i run retries of acount creations and it sometimes work good after 2 or more times. So a way in every part of creations and edits of bio, retry or change proxy when change all avatars and pics and bios..
- 2016-05-17 02:16