How to copy all of my account, setting, proxy, fingerprint, cookies, etc from one PC to another PC? Should i just copy all the folder? I dont want to relogin, as it will ruin the accounts. Anw, if there is no such option on aiostream, i think it is better for the dev to start working on it, instead of custom module because i think it is basic and crucial thing for the bot. Thanks
So many proxy ban happen. I need working list of proxy that is confirmed working for generating account and proxy that works for streaming. Please separate it when you mention it (part 1 proxy for generate and part 2 for streaming). I need it fast, i dont want my artist to be banned from spotify. Please send it ASAP here or to my email Pls i need your help fast
I see on aiostream web that there is proxy harvester, but i cant find it on the apps. Can anyone show me where? Anw is it good or bad if i use free proxy?