Amber S 2019/04/13 22:21:50 0 0
hunthunt 2019/04/03 22:31:59 0 0
I am a spinnerchief 1 professional version buyer.I want to download spinnerchief 1 pro.
michaellstone123 2019/03/25 20:56:13 0 0
Hello, my spinnerchief crashing everytime i go for super spin and selecting any checkboxes, after click to start it always crashes...
sovannmy 2019/03/09 13:26:59 1 0
Hello,I tested SpinnerChief 5 with an article from the internet, it was stuck, appearing WINDOWS NOT RESPONDING. I cannot use the software now as it always likes that....
Tsedakaa 2019/02/13 18:38:47 0 0
Hi,Anyone knows where the documentation is?I need to use several functions and do several things which are not described in the tutorial videos:How to use and manage CSV variables?How to edit POS for words (ex. change POS:NN to POS:NNP)How to use Favsrule manager properlyEtc.I can't find structured information on the forum either....
肖岩 2019/02/27 10:54:00 0 0
The api documentation is only C# and PHP. Who can refer to the java call method?
kannss4u 2019/02/17 19:07:49 0 0
Hello there,I am using SpinnerChief from months and its doing its job very well. Thanks to developers.I am facing one big problem while spinning big articles.Wheni try to spin more than 5000 words, software crash on replacing words. I don't know why this is happening to me. My computer configuration is Memory...
tonyalice7 2015/12/08 13:58:55 0 0
hello i want to ask a question... please help meis it possible to submit several articles at once by using spinnerchief ?i already clicked "advanced functions" menu and "create post task" but i can't loador find any menu to browse my articles on there.i tried to open some articles by using "open multi files in different windows" menu.after that, i clicked "spin" menu on spin tab. and after the article is generated,there is "submit current article" and "submit all article" button. but, when i cli...
Tsedakaa 2019/02/05 23:21:01 0 0
Hi,Blank spin doesn't work. It never chooses the "blank" possibility. I tried several spintax and none worked (either in preview or in spinned files):...
saudsajid 2019/01/25 04:50:29 0 0
Hi! I m facing login network error what does it mean? are u upgrading your server?
Tem P 2019/01/24 21:37:44 0 0
In the last 2 days, i,e from Jan 23 2019 , Spinnerchief stopped working. It is giving a network error and asking to login again.Is the server down now?Are you working on it?
Tem P 2019/01/24 21:32:07 0 0
Hi I start seeing Network error everytime I try to login in the last 2 days. Did your server go down again? I am talking as of Jan 23 2019.Are you working on it?
ownpy 2017/06/06 11:06:24 1 0
Hello, Today i login web version, but i found only Version 4, when i can use Version 5 on web? Another question,i have Ultimate Version 4, how can update Ultimate Version 5, do i need new cd-key?Thank you!
Cheque 2016/02/21 10:54:40 0 0
Hello. I purchaseda 7 day subscription with option for a year for the software SpinnerChief. I donot want to continue with my subscription for the year, I want to opt out of itand cancel any further payment. What steps do I need to follow? Have a niceday....
Eli Gauthier 2018/09/11 11:37:32 0 0
Hi,I want to know if Spinner Chief can be used for french and I didn't found any contact infos.Regards
element.4seo 2018/11/16 17:43:19 0 0
HiI want to buy SpinnerChief only for Norwegian Language, but before I need to be sure that it's working properly, in free language there is only English thesaurus. So can you pls spin random Norwegian text for me for testing, here example of text, send me pls this text in spin formula, thanks:? tilegne seg fagkunnskap er bare begynnelsen for en god formidler. Neste...
tmosley 2018/10/27 15:54:39 0 0
I went through a long article and manually chose synonyms for almost every word and when I got to similar words it was automatically highlighted in bold.  When I finished the full article and went to use "Super Replace" for the bold words, the software crashed. I opened the software again and all of my bold words are gone and will not bold again when I highlight them even though the brackets and everything are still there. How can I get the...
Moritz 2017/05/21 12:01:23 0 0
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[email protected] 2018/09/19 04:07:12 0 0
1. When are tutorials specifically for Spinner Chief Web coming out.2. For spinner chief web. If I want to spin paragraphs and then spin the sentences inside the paragraphs (nested spinning), how can I do that? I haven't found a way to do that yet. Is it possible?
Ghazy 2018/09/11 20:20:22 0 0
Hello I am trying to spin articles written in Arabic lang, I know that Spinnerchief supports Arabic lang but I have tried many times to spin words manually with no result. Every time I select a word, I see no alternative words appear.Also, I want to know how translation spin works, I want to translate spun articles from English to Arabic.I am using Spinnerchief 5 ...
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