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Software crash many times

ReplyThanks 2019/02/17 19:07:49 0 0

Hello there,

I am using SpinnerChief from months and its doing its job very well. Thanks to developers.

I am facing one big problem while spinning big articles.

Wheni try to spin more than 5000 words, software crash on replacing words. I don't know why this is happening to me.

My computer configuration is

Memory 6GB

2019/02/18 15:43:01
Can i know which spin function you are using before the crash happens please? We will go to check it soon.

Please provide the detailed steps of what you are doing, then we can emulate the error. Thank you in advance
2019/02/18 18:08:41
I am copying content from a website. I have ultimate version , so I am using super spin function to spin article. But program crash when I spin more than 5000 keywords.
2019/02/19 13:35:09

Ok, thanks for letting us know.

We will go to check and test it in our side, please wait for the news.

2019/02/26 15:51:49

Sorry for the late reply.

We tested it with more than 5k words article in our side, it works well. Could you please provide the detailed steps about how the crash happens please? Then we can emulate your steps in our side.

Waiting for your news.

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