ChessieBaybe 2016/08/03 17:11:04 0 0
I'm very interested in getting the developer version. However, I can't seem to find any documentation/instructions other than a handful of videos.The videos only cover a handful of the functions contained in BotChief.Is there a list somewhere of the different functions and what they do / how to use them?
jrwrest 2016/08/02 15:12:34 0 0
HiI have made 1 bot that scrapes a urlI would like to use that scraped url string in my second bot is this possible ?Thanks James
jrwrest 2016/07/28 09:44:52 0 0
Hi I am scraping some information from a site. What I would like to know is how can I get the bot to notify me if there is an error? Thanks James
Robert Wasley 2016/07/26 15:22:01 0 0
I have included an ongoing thread attempting to resolve issues related to getting the software to load and run. To my last note at the bottom, one I have not yet received a reply so I am posting in this forum with the hope of more punctual attention. Again, I appreciate the help.ORIGINAL NOTERobert Wasley <[email protected]>Jul 24 (2 days ago)to support Tech Support,...
Aidan 2016/07/24 16:39:37 0 0
Hello there,I seem to be having some trouble uploading a background or profile image to YouTube accounts. i have tried using upload file but it is not working, it is not opening the browse for file etc but it dose if i am to use a mouse emulation.For some reason it dose not click/open the browse option and when i test it i just dose nothing ...
jrwrest 2016/07/25 09:07:13 0 0
Hi I have scraped some data into a string example"My name is John.. Read more"I would like to know how to remove the text "Read more" from the end of the string?
jrwrest 2016/07/12 16:22:53 0 0
I would like to know if i can copy and past a set of actions?
designerjpr 2016/03/20 17:31:37 0 0
I have a windows 2012 VPSI have set up my botchiefrunner on it and have a bot that creates accounts for me using mouse emulation. Do i have to have the VPS screen showing on my desktop remotely for the mouse emulation to work correctly. It seems so.Is it possible to disconect remotely from my server freeing up my desktop and still have mouse emulation work?
jrwrest 2016/07/14 14:26:18 0 0
Hi if i compile a module it to the desktop it works however if i more it into c drive it stops working and says file is broken?Why is this? ...
Aidan 2016/07/13 01:57:40 0 0
Hello there i am in the mist of creating my own personal YouTube/Gmail account creator the only thing i seem to have a problem with is how and where do i go to get sms verification for accounts. I noticed the Getphonecode plugin but have no idea how to get it to work any help would be amazing. another question would be how can i get botchief to make a alert when there is a phone verification and allow me to start and stop that thread.
jrwrest 2016/07/12 07:49:02 0 0
HiThe if statement only lets me check against 1st row or random, how can I check it against row 3 or 5 for example out of 10 rows ? ...
hashimji2008 2016/07/11 02:02:46 0 0
I am trying to use the control value to know whether the correct page loaded or not. For that i used the following steps.Find Control - In that i used select control to scrap a unique field in that page. and saved it to a control                     value variableIf command - Checking the above saved control value True  ...
kushblends99 2016/07/09 16:17:10 0 0
I'm trying to read from a .txt file that has about 100,000 lines.Because I have the developer version, I can use the read file option and insert all this info into a table. However, I would only like to use 1,000 lines and then remove the 1,000 lines used, from the same .txt file I read from.I would like to do this repeatedly in different instances.Is there anyway to do this?Thank you for your time and...
tranza 2016/07/08 23:10:45 1 0
  Im trying to figure out how to mass upload pictore to facebook's album. How can i accomplish this as the file upload script select ONE random picture from the variable. What i want to know how can the file upload script pull multiple images, select them and upload?
jrwrest 2016/06/30 18:54:55 0 0
Hi I've used the "receive email" function to login to my email and when i test run it, it comes up "success". My question is how do I set it up so I can see the email that it has scrapped is there a video on this or something?It scrapes it to a variable, which I have set up how can I see the info that was scrapped?Thanks James
user_1234 2016/06/16 23:28:16 0 0
Hi, When will the Whitehatbox tools be back online?
pccupdate 2016/06/14 22:25:30 0 0
Hello,I've watched some videos on how to create a bot that can fill out website forms using variables...I am wondering...Say a website that users are forced to use in order to sign up for a service is NOT mobile friendly and I would like to have users use my site's mobile friendly form which then would transfer the info to the non-mobile-friendly site's form and complete the sign up. How...
hongblackhat 2016/06/08 12:02:05 0 0
Hi,I want to scrape the confirmation link which Twitter sent to my email to confirm my twitter account.What should I put here please: http://prntscr.com/bdx1uuI need to get the link here: http://prntscr.com/bdx299Thank you!
BobDolan 2016/06/10 14:03:45 0 0
i am trying to load a url in botcheif editor but the appearance is not  matching my in system browser, the page says it is not available on a tablet, why is this happening?How can i fix it?
Noobie93 2016/06/09 07:09:09 0 0
Hi. I faced a problem where I can click exe and run the task for one time and when I quit and click exe again, it will say file is broken. 
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