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How to use control value

ReplyThanks 2016/07/11 02:02:46 0 0

I am trying to use the control value to know whether the correct page loaded or not. For that i used the following steps.

Find Control - In that i used select control to scrap a unique field in that page. and saved it to a control value variable

If command - Checking the above saved control value

True - If the above value is true then going to next step

False - if the control value is false - then go back to previous step.

But when i test the result, it always showing false eventhough the page is correct. I selected different fields. still it is false. Is there any mistake in my steps ? Whether the control value is not the one for this ?

2016/07/11 03:01:41
Add a Sleep command below your load url command. your step is correct. Or you can send your module to us, we will test it on our side.
2016/07/11 03:28:09

There is already pageload wait, Whether sleep is needed ? This is just a twitter login check, whether login is successful or not.

2016/07/11 03:53:22
If you have added a page load wait function, then there will be no need to add the Sleep command again. You can set a longer time for the page load wait.
2016/07/11 04:28:37

still the if test giving me false. can you please give a example on checking the site page with if command.

Please tell me the correct usage of Control Variable

2016/07/11 22:37:19
Can you send your module to us, i think it will be more quick.
2016/07/12 11:14:08

If there is control found you have to place further code on false statement not on true. If (control1==Null)


False=place your code.

2016/07/12 23:42:16
Please go to find the logout button when your account log in successfully. @hashimji2008 your steps are right.
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