heness 2022/12/27 21:26:02 0 0
Hello, I need help creating an automatic voting bot on sites such as rpg-paradize.com, can someone help me? my email is: [email protected] Thanks
andy200486 2018/12/10 23:27:52 0 0
Hi,I updated to the version but I got a "Unknown error" when I launch the compiled version.I made no change on my bot, just update botchief.Do you have a solution ?Thanks
Mc Kinley Mosquiza 2022/02/12 16:58:54 0 0
I have a problem regarding my module on specific website. It shows and error if i use proxy. But when i use vpn it works. Now i want botchief to automatically open and control the installed vpn on my pc
[email protected] 2022/02/02 00:33:41 0 0
Anyone build a like4like or addmefast bot that works?
Raziel Ella 2019/10/20 02:16:06 0 0
Hello,I finished the module and now trying to build the form, the problem is that in the form the user will be ask to enter 3 values in text boxes and I didn't understand how to connect the form variable to module variables so the bot could use this variable (connecting to the module).please help me... I attacked image of the form: ...
cashkill23 2021/12/01 22:31:48 0 0
Can you send some working example on a bot with start stop button in form with loop. Loop started when press start and stop when press stop. i cant find any example bots so therefor i ask for a example using this functions.
TurboGolom 2021/11/21 23:40:18 0 0
Hello guys,After a very long break i wanna revisit botchief and take a look at the progress and new possibilities.Unfortunatly i cant start the Program cause after the program checks my Account and log in informations im stucking at an endless Initializing Program bar which is loading endless.any reason for that and any informations how i can solve the issue ?here a picture of what im talking...
212nycowboy 2017/02/10 02:39:58 0 0
What exactly is the public proxy setting in botcheif runner? Does editor have access to a large list of proxies? I pay for them now but if public work then i'm happy with free.Thanks
Alex111 2021/07/12 00:44:49 0 0
I made a simple scraper and would like to know how to download/export the table with data
gravitsapa 2021/08/29 17:04:59 0 0
Hello What format indicates Proxy for action - set proxy? data: protocol login password proxy port
baby2i 2021/07/01 10:39:30 0 0
I has an Error affter update botchief with newes google chrom : 91.0.4472.124 : ****************************异常文本****************************【出现时间】:7/1/2021 9:33:33 AM【异常类型】:FileNotFoundException【异常信息】:Could not load file or assembly 'WebDriver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the...
Michael Feldman 2021/05/12 06:15:40 0 0
Hello-I am looking to create a bot to automatically make a reservation for me that releases exactly at 8:00PM every Sunday.Is this possible and can it please be set up for me?Thank you!
john22 2021/05/11 11:20:50 0 0
the is no create project button.only start new bulk task, says select modules and when i do it doesnt work.
Ricardo Silva 2021/04/21 05:13:35 0 0
Hello, i only can acess kraken.com to the mobile version but i need the web version, im using gecko60. Any help please.
ZameZone 2021/04/06 16:21:44 0 0
please help me to install botchief free version!!
ZameZone 2021/04/06 16:20:31 0 0
serial number not working for botchief editor free
varmy1234 2021/03/06 17:04:38 0 0
I use the CMD command in the form functions to reset the Nord VPN software, but I have a problem that when using the debug project the operation works well, until I compile Project, the CMD command doesn't work. It seems that the CMD window is shut down too quickly when the command has not been completed. Specifically, I use 2 commands on the same command line:cd "C: \ Program Files \ NordVPN \" && nordvpn -c -g "Spain"That means when executing the command: cd "C: \...
G1itch 2021/02/07 05:45:21 0 0
im looking for someone that is experienced with botchief and could help me automate a few sites and show me step by step how to use it i could pay 20$ per script!
Alex111 2021/01/22 07:19:14 0 0
Can someone tell me how to get an element inside an iframe? I want to add a click event on the "Add to cart" button on the Homedepot website. It is inside an Iframe and I can't even detect it.
varmy1234 2021/01/26 21:53:49 0 0
I am using Botchief editor developer.I have 2 question, please help.1. How to show progress, active data to a table as shown in the figure.2. How to make the project run multiple threads at the same timeSincerely thank you...
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