For anyone who's tired with phone number verification...

You've come to the right place! this software will save your time.


Introducing: TextNowBot

A super easy-to-use software for getting an unlimited number of USA and Canada phone number in a few simple clicks.

If you want to create tons of Facebook, Google, Twitter, or Instagram accounts without having to deal with the annoying phone number verification... this software will save your time.

The best part: It comes with proxy support and multi-thread feature, which means you can create as many accounts as you want in lightning speed... and yet, you can rest assured knowing your IP address is safe and secured.

There's A Boatload Of Methods To Bypass Phone Verification, But Sadly... Most Of Them Don't Work.

Do you remember the good old time when creating hundreds and hundreds of social media account still as easy as eating a pie?

When you want to create dummy Facebook or Twitter accounts, you just need to follow the simple instructions, fill random info, and that's it... Creating five to ten accounts could be done in less than 15 minutes.

That's until the phone verification method ruins everything.

Today, creating even one single Facebook account may give you a headache. You need a legit phone number. And no my friend, there's no other way.

So it's not surprising if you noticed there are literally hundreds of information about bypassing the phone verification method, which you know...

Most of them are complete crap.

Or if they do work to bypass phone verification, it usually takes 15 minutes to follow the methods.

Yes, you read that.

You have to waste 15 minutes for just verifying one account. Try to verify four accounts and you'll waste 60 minutes of your precious time... 60 minutes you can enjoy by playing Fortnite or watching your favorite TV shows.

This is where most people like you start to desperately ask for help on online Internet Marketing forums.

This is why you see a post on forums with a title: [HELP] How to bypass Facebook phone verification.

...And this is probably why you're here reading this message right now.

The good news is:

You've come to the right place!

Now there's a software that allows you to get legit USA and Canada phone numbers fast and easy.

This software is called TextNowBot.

The name shows what's the main feature of this software.

With TextNowBot, you can create unlimited Textnow account as easy as counting 1-2-3.

Yes, an unlimited account that will provide you legit USA and Canada phone numbers, which you can use to verify Facebook, Google, Twitter, and any other website that requires a phone number for registration.

“That's cool. But, why Textnow?” you might ask.


So far, textnow is the most popular app that offers a legit phone number for FREE - no credit card required.

The good news is, Facebook and Google won't become suspicious when you're verifying an account with a number you get from Textnow.

Why? Because even average people who aren't doing the same business as ours are using Textnow account for texting and calling. It just looks normal. No websites will notice you're creating fake accounts.

Sounds great, right?

If you feel like this is right for you, read below to learn more about it.

How Textnowbot Can Save Your Time


Get Unlimited Usa & Canada Phone Number Fast And Easy

With Textnowbot, creating an account on Textnow to get a legit USA and Canada number you can use for phone verification will only take a few seconds. Just spare a few minutes to generate hundreds of phone numbers. Verifying accounts has never been this easy. (Heck, it may even faster than hiring a virtual assistant)


Organize All The Numbers In One Convenient Csv File

One number could be used to verify one account on multiple websites, so it's better to save the number you've generated with Textnow to be used later. You'll love this software even more since it can automatically save and organize all the numbers you've generated in one single file. When you need a number for phone verification, just open the file, and that's it.


Register Account On TextNow

If you want to save even more time, Textnowbot got you covered. If you want, you can even let this software to register an account on TextNow on complete automation. You don't even need to lift a finger. Just sit back, and let Textnowbot do the time-consuming task for you.


Keep Your Textnow Accounts For A Long Time

Nothing lasts forever in life. And sadly, this also includes your Textnow accounts. After not being used for a while, Textnow will deactivate your account, and you need to reactivate it. Normally, it won't take more than five minutes to reactivate one account. Yes, it doesn't take so long. But what if you have 50 accounts? Relax... Textnowbot got you covered. This software comes with renewing function that will again, save you a lot of time.

This software is for you if...

  • You're tired of the annoying phone verification method.
  • You need a lot of legit USA & Canada phone numbers ASAP.
  • You want to be able to create as many Facebook accounts as you want for marketing purposes.
  • You want to make a quick extra cash selling verified accounts to other people.

Textnowbot Best Features


Create And Edit Multiple Textnow Accounts

This is the core function of this software. Within just a few simple clicks, you can create as many Textnow accounts as you need easily.


Get Legit Usa & Canada Phone Numbers Fast And Easy

With this software, verifying account on Facebook, Google, and other websites could be done with USA & Canada phone numbers you get from Textnow. This software also saves all the numbers you've generated in one convenient CSV file, so you can quickly find the numbers to be used in the future.


Automated Facebook Registration

Not only helping you getting phone numbers, but this software can also help you register an account on Facebook and other social media platforms. Yes, this feature will help you save more time.


Automated Renew Function

This feature will help you reactivate your old Textnow accounts that haven't been used for a while. While it may won't take a lot of time to do it manually, but why do it by yourself if you can simply let this software do this job for you?


User-friendly And Intuitive Interface

Every single software we create is designed for non-techy users in mind. That's why we also design this software to be super easy-to-use for anyone. We believe anyone - including you - can master all the features comes with this software within the first 30 minutes.



This software also has a -support feature that will protect your IP address from being flagged as spam. Simply add your own list of private , and stay safe while creating tons of legit phone numbers.


Multi-threading Feature For A Faster Performance

This software also comes with multi-threading feature that allows you to run the task at a lightning speed.


and Account Security

This function lets you bind accounts with appointed , so that later the program will use the same with this account all the time. This will make your account much safer. These sites don't want to see that you are in USA now and then you are in England after 1 min. You can set every account to use a different , you also can set every 2 or X accounts to use the same . The program can also use the conventional rotate method of using a different every time the account logs in. It's very smart, it's all is down to your settings. And our software's operation is same to human's operation, this will avoid your accounts got suspended. We have many excellent partners who will give you discount price and great that work well with our software.

Solve Captcha Automatically

Our software will solve captcha automatically for you, you don't need type any captcha manually to make the program to work. We have also integrate some third party captcha solving service that will help you to solve any hard captcha like google captcha fully automatically.

Why Choose Textnowbot?


Designed To Save Your Precious Time

Every single feature comes with this software is designed with a single purpose: to help you save a lot of your time. From the automated Facebook registration feature to the multi-threading feature... they're created to help you complete your task quickly and easily.


100% Safe To Use

This software uses and it's able to hide your IP address with your own list of . No need to worry about being flagged or marked as spam. Your IP address is safe and secured.



Just because it's a bot that comes with a lot of amazing features, this doesn't mean you have to deal with a complicated program. In fact, we believe anyone - even non-techy users - will be able to master this software without having to read a tutorial.


24/7 Friendly Support Team

In a rare case, you may face a problem with our software. Relax... simply call us, and our friendly support team will assist you as soon as we can.

Ready To Get Started With Textnowbot?

Try Textnowbot today to say goodbye to the annoying phone verification!


Basic ver.

Bulk Create Accounts With Gmail


Standard ver.

Bulk Create Accounts With Gmail

Use FaceBook to Sign in and Create Accounts


Pro ver.

Bulk Create Accounts With Gmail

Accounts Renew and Recover

Use FaceBook to Sign in and Create Accounts


If this software is not fit for your need

You can let us know, we can make a custom development for you.

You can also send us an email directly with your need -