user_1234 2016/01/10 16:03:57 0 0
I didn't see any info on how to use the cookie manager. I am wanting to save cookies from multiple browser sessions and then access them again. Is this possible? If so, how?
user_1234 2016/01/01 22:16:51 0 0
I am having difficulty trying to figure out how to use a csv file with bot-chief. I looked up online videos and the Manuel and have found the sources lacking of a thorough explanation of the function. Could I get help integrating one csv file with name(first and last), phone number, address, etc... into my account creator / browser search bot?
greyhat 2016/01/10 03:09:37 0 0
How long has whitehatbox or botchief been around?
greyhat 2016/01/08 18:26:39 0 0
Im having a HUGE issue trying to create my 1st bot.  I've given it most of the steps to execute, I did a test run, and all was fine (in the editor)I then needed to make a few changes, and after my changes my bot doesn't work anymore (in the editor)It appears that the bot is trying to execute the tasks according to the number assigned to the task, and not in the order that I have the steps listed.Ex:...
Gregzify 2016/01/02 03:27:28 0 0
Hy guys, is it possibile with botchief to export a project to Visual BASIC?
onlygrace 2015/12/17 03:22:45 0 0
Hi, I recently notice there are a new function called table loop. Usually I use wait (loop) to loop from one row to the next till it is finished by deleting first row each time I use one row. Does it do the same? Also there are many other features in botchief that I don't know how to work with it.Where can I get the tutorial about this new feature and all the features botchief have?
onlygrace 2015/12/21 05:14:47 0 0
Hi, I wonder whether can I make one variable that work for every task operated in the same category. I mean, if I want to make web2 registration, I have to set variable password username, etc.In my understanding, I have to make those same variable for every module I created for different sites, it's exhausting. I also have to put the same value in botchief runner too for every module.Can I make global variable for all modules? so I need to enter only once and...
onlygrace 2015/12/21 14:10:41 0 0
Hi, I need help. The site that I want to automate need a click from mouse. Since my version is pro, I cannot use mouse emulation. I try to use control operate but it's not working. I try every options in control operate (click,onclick,focus,keypress,onchange) but cannot find one that works. What can I do to do this automation without mouse emulation? please help
onlygrace 2015/12/19 04:47:26 0 0
my question is simple, however I don't find a clue to achieve it. I try to use botchief runner scheduler. But the schedule options are only run how many times, run in specific hours, run in specific date and time and run forever. How to make it run once a day?
DJDREW123 2015/12/14 15:54:02 0 0
When I compile my botchief bot, it says that the file is broken.Please help
rony 2015/11/29 04:59:36 0 0
Hi guysI am unable to sleect  particular question from drop sown menu. The Table variable i am assigning random row. Else it is only showing '0' or random option to select.Please help meThanks in advance
toddhutch 2015/11/24 17:09:08 0 0
I am looking to load in values from a table that has dynamic results which are always formatted with the same headers.I'm not sure how to pull use the Regular Expression.  I have a LinqPad 4 query that gives me the value, but I don't know how to apply it to the scrapper.Regex.Match(new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString("URL"), "offers.*?\\<td.*?\\<td.*?<td.*?\\<td.*?>(.*?)\\</td>",...
Whitehatravi 2015/06/08 11:49:30 0 0
Hi,Has Flash Support been provided? I am running BotChiefEditor 3.4.5(Developer Version) and flash support is not available. However in your website(under Features), you have indicated that image recognition and Automatic interaction with Java, Flash etc. using Image Recognition is available. How to enable it?
deivid725 2015/10/22 13:30:48 0 0
I really need help on how to input a random address in a sign up form. Like street, city, state, zip code?Or if someone wants to make the bot for me I'm willing to pay 5 bucks.
lb1025 2015/10/01 22:10:57 0 0
helloI am having issues loading BotChief Runner. When I go to load chief runner in the admin rights I receive this error "load browser DLL file failed, Please run it again using admin rights!" the DLL files that are currently in the file for the Botchief runner are 7z1, 7z2, DecaptcherLib, DevComponents.DotNetBar2,SevenZipSharp, and  System.Data.SQLiteI am kinda stuck atm, any help would be very appreciated!...
tuckortum907 2015/07/26 06:39:33 0 0
Hello. I am trying to automate a service for coinad.com there is captcha that i need to bypass. it is the kind that you check the box. i have a deathbycaptcha sub. any suggestions for this would be appreciated. also if someone could go to the site and maybe check it out to help me go through this. i just started. thanks
Danksta 2015/10/05 05:36:09 0 0
Is there a way to catch the redirected links or better yet all the webpages that a certain webpage is redirected to and save all the webaddress in a variable? The option of web url scraper, scrapes only the current url, i want to know is it possible to scrape all the urls that occur during that whole session?Also is it possible to remove a dataentry of a variable if it doesn't contain a specific keyword?
lb1025 2015/09/30 19:50:12 0 0
I purchased botchief pro and was given the activation key. I originally and still do have the free version. I am curious of where I place in the activation key for the pro version?
kabone76 2015/09/29 19:05:43 0 0
Hello I was curious how can I go about adding a menu strip like this:...
cpalop 2015/09/25 10:24:21 0 0
hello,I've just compiled several times one module but proxies are not working, using botchief runner proxies are working through settings menu but i'm doing exactly the same on the compiled version and proxy:nullWhy multithread mode in debuging mode is really slow?, It mades failed threads all the time.If i'm not running on debug mode i always get an error of control not found.This new update also makes debuger crash sometimes and...
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