Stafford Waltho 2020/04/11 08:19:12 0 0
I have imported the template for viewing, commenting and subscribing to youtube videos but none of the functions appear to be working. When I start the task I can see in the debug window my account logging in then searching for the correct video and then adding a comment, however the comment is not saved in youtube and neither is my subscribe or like, its as if youtube knows these actions are being performed by a bot/software and ignores them. Any ideas why this is happening?
Stafford Waltho 2020/04/11 06:40:07 0 0
I am unable to comment, like or subscribe any videos on youtube. Everything looks like its working and the video appears in the debug window and I can see the comment get typed out but it doesnt save. Also, subscribe to channel and like are not working, its as if youtube knows software is performing these actions as when I try to comment, subscribe and like using the same account in a normal web browser it works ok.
ricardiniar2 2020/04/10 04:44:41 0 0
so im doin 5 task at the same time, before i was doin only one at the time, ..(not dropps" but now that im doin 5 task at the same times views are droppin off,...any advise?
thinhhai0797913333 2020/04/02 20:06:57 0 0
Dear!After test, i want to ask you my question.How much windows are running and BOT working as the same time? in my computer (exelent CPU), window can open alot but BOT is not running all this window.How can help my BOT run all windows as the same time?please help!
Andblood 2020/02/21 04:35:01 0 0
  Hi,how do I can setup it that I can watch certain videos without accounts but with proxies?
lvmmpcody 2020/02/07 10:37:14 0 0
How do you get the live view and chat task 
Andrew131 2020/02/06 18:13:41 1 0
   Is there any tutorial video or steps on binding the fingerprint?I have added in the Ip together with my account details in CSV format.So the IP column has already shown "Bind" when i add the accounts.However, the fingerprint column is "Unbound".What are the steps to bind the fingerprints? I tried selecting all the ips profile in proxy manager...
rlpassion 2018/12/29 06:42:00 0 0
Hi there!I have multiple channels on one email - everytime I put my login detail the tube assit tools just defaults ot the basic channel, but I want to use a different channel, so how do I choose what channel to use under the same email?
moinu4578 2019/11/14 19:57:13 0 0
hi i would like to buy the bot for live views do ur bot work for live views(youtube)??and how much ram and harddisk should a pc have to get 3k live viewsplease let me known i need...
Morista20 2020/01/08 06:55:53 0 0
I need to know if i can put multiple videos on a single task, and all the accounts that have been bind to proxy can watch randomly and set them only once or twice watching the same videos. For example : i have 1000 accounts and 300 videos, can i set the software so that each account only watch one time per video. Please help me with this, or maybe running mulitask, and each task for 1 video? Can you help me please
Morista20 2020/01/08 06:54:52 0 0
I need to know if i can put multiple videos on a single task, and all the accounts that have been bind to proxy can watch randomly and set them only once or twice watching the same videos. For example : i have 1000 accounts and 300 videos, can i set the software so that each account only watch one time per video. Please help me with this, or maybe running mulitask, and each task for 1 video? Can you help me please
dracouu64 2020/01/04 05:54:50 0 0
hellowould it be possible to try one software ?
Red Knight Reborn 2019/12/27 04:16:38 0 0
will this bot works with backconnect proxy such as storm proxy or cosmo proxy, i confused with the binding, because it says on your website that i have to bind account, how to bind account if i have 10.000 emails and only 100 proxies, please help
thinhhai0797913333 2019/12/10 16:55:36 1 0
Dear!Everything is not working well now.1. views task is not stop, and all of views task also working simultaneously.2. old cokies when tasks run is not been erased, and run old searching keywork.how can i do now?
thinhhai0797913333 2019/12/10 07:51:42 1 0
Dear!i clicked on recommend setting on tube pro 2 to settup "find kw, click and views". Ater that, last step, view task is not running.plz help asap im just buy big proxy pakage.thank you!...
htmedia07 2019/12/09 16:37:55 0 0
I do not understand why? When I add the account, it says limit
StreamFeind 2019/10/01 09:09:25 0 0
software gets stuck on verify recovery email when checking newly added accounts.
Haligali 2019/10/21 17:41:55 0 0
where can i buy youtube accounts for this bot?
Ocir2016 2019/11/02 16:05:43 0 0
Hi, im interested on buying tube assist pro, but i dont have many email. I o ly need this software to increase the view of my yt video. Is it possible to run this sofware to watch a video or playlist without any gmail account? Only using proxy?Any recommendation proxy site that match your software.Thanks
tysonwald 2019/09/25 21:17:34 0 0
How do I add my youtube account? options to add an account are greyed out. Ive basically got the program open and havent been able to do anything since. 
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