Blaise Thompson 2021/01/04 05:18:37 0 0
Say I used the bot to create one click on a website. How many processes could I run a day on the program? I just want an estimation
goodboxing 2020/12/31 22:27:10 0 0
Says "Our site is temporarily down. We are moving our servers to a better cloud, will be back soon, please try to visit again later."
Karmagedon 2019/06/13 20:18:58 0 0
Hey. It seems I already wrote about something like that.I have not found a single way how to change the value in a particular cell (for example, a cell in the 3rd column of the 7th row).I have not found anything suitable.Action Variable Operate ...
donski_d 2019/03/06 22:58:29 0 0
Hey I put in a request to have a poshmart bot created  but I have not had any response - can any body else do ? Happy to pay 
AndyT 2020/11/23 16:46:24 0 0
Hi.Bot Chief Editor V4.8.4.2I have a problem. I made a mod inside a project. All is working fine if I'm running it in Editor.But if I compile it, I first have to copy the two WebDriver files manually into the compiled folder. (Thanks for support for telling me about this bug)Then it starts if I click the exe file.But if I run the mod, it suddenly stopps after some things have been done correctly. I figured out that it...
tbpHOENIX 2020/11/24 10:27:33 0 0
In the main video on the page it says there are 4 versions, including a Free version. But i dont see it anywhere to download? Can someone tell me how to get it, if its available?I only ask because id like to try it first. I am not a programmer and i am willing to pay for the Elite models but i just wanna try the software first to see if i am able to use it without being a coder already. 
Karmagedon 2017/07/23 21:12:44 0 0
Recieve Emails and Get Confirm Link actions do not allow you to configure the recipient email.This is necessary to register accounts using the function Catch-all.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-all
Tin_Man 2020/11/22 12:32:07 0 0
In the video intoduction to botchief they said there are 4 versions of Botchief, free, standar, pro and developer. Where's the free version? I take it there's no trial versions either?
jattdagar 2020/11/10 18:27:09 0 0
hi i want to post automatically on blogger but i am unable to  do this when i use set value command it doesn't work properly please anyone share module which does this or make a video about it 
lussivip 2020/11/11 19:57:36 0 0
Jimmy Ellis 2020/11/17 07:37:30 0 0
Hello. Is it possible to use bot chief to create a bot that buys stuff from an online store real fast that moves faster than humansI ask that because this online Black Friday sales require lightning speed to get those items. Please respond
AndyT 2020/11/07 01:34:04 0 0
Hi.I am completely new to BotChief.I'm thinking on buying BotChief. But I don't know which version? And I don't know if I can use it the way I like and needWhat I want to do....Let me say I have a couple of accounts from a specific website and I want to login which each account to the website and change the account password to a value I provide...Can I do this with BotChief? Will the Pro Version be...
lussivip 2020/11/10 20:02:59 0 0
Hello,I'm trying developer bot. Forms Demo src
Onyx XI 2020/11/13 16:32:32 0 0
Hello, i want to try botchief and i'm interested to download pfd from a embbeded website. Before i was using chrome to inspect the page but now i even can't see the download link anywhere so i need your help.
Blaise Thompson 2020/11/09 07:13:50 0 0
Is this program good for surveys.  So if I set it up to complete surveys it will run.  When it is on a survey will it select random options?
Karmagedon 2019/08/30 08:05:57 0 0
How to change proxies during module execution if I use the engine Chrome?
smiller22001 2020/11/05 00:41:40 0 0
I was able to download the program. I entered my key and gained access to the program. However, after I closed out and later went back to reopen and I am getting an Error stating "TaskMaker has stopped working" Is there any trouble shooting to get this error corrected?
briiant06 2020/10/18 14:37:06 0 0
I created and compiled a module without any project, after compiling it to a ZIP file, after decompressed and I try to open the .exe file of the module it gives me an error: Compile_ThreadException_1603002844703.log, anybody know what it could possibly be. I bought the developer trial for 3 days, I think it's already expired, not sure if this might be the reason why I'm getting this error.Thank you.
Gary Hall 2020/10/22 05:30:56 0 0
Hi Guys,My Bot Chief editor continually crashes on average every 10 minutes since last update.I rolled back the update, and lost ALL my PROJECT files.The Crash keeps occurring with no warning or error messages.  There is no screen shot, and it doesnt matter how many actions are in the module, it crashes with only four actions.I dont have a paypal account, and I havent...
johnnykrawallo1 2020/09/17 21:41:43 0 0
Hello,I am getting this Error while Installation Process.  Any one has an Idea to solve?...
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