dawhite 2017/06/15 05:21:56 0 0
How to post "likes" to friends posts on my newsfeed in Facebook?  I'm trying to use the FollowingLikes software and the keywords field doesn't seem to fit my request.
mavillar 2017/05/27 00:54:33 0 0
Within the Whitehatbox I can not login any of the software bought!Always show Network error!What's hapening?
lorand 2017/04/24 05:51:33 0 0
I have elite version. On how many PC i use one serial number ?
mmdti 2015/07/07 15:41:26 0 0
When I tried to install the WhiteHatBox app it starts then said new version click OK. After click download stops and says update failed try again later. I've just paid for the 3 days for $7 through PayPal. This has been happening for the last few weeks.Please advise
Wiln8er 2017/01/28 23:18:30 1 0
I bought the Elite version 3 days ago and I have no received a serial code, I have been waiting patiently, when will i receive the email?
RWeeks 2017/01/03 17:39:32 0 0
the product affiliate link is extremely long and it shows up as whitehatbox.com when posted on FB and  not the product I was promoting.  How do you suggest one go about promoting the links do we email, fb ?   Better step by step instructions of what to do and how to promote as an affiliate and which links to use would be extremely helpful for us less savy technology ones.   I just want to be putting the right link out there so I can get paid.Thanks in...
mokote 2016/12/19 17:14:34 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.2.4hello,I made bot and in scrape step I don't get data.I "scrape similar controls" two values to table. In one of them I get data with no problem,second column (first in order) is empty.When I use "test" button in scrape module I get results but when I run full...
mokote 2016/12/16 07:52:00 0 0
Hi,is there any way to use regular expression in "if" action as in "Variable operate->regular expression processing"?when I want to check if my variable contain/doesn't contain letters, I need to compare with all letters of alphabet:If variable contain a  If variable contain b If variable contain ...
abhishekagrahari 2016/11/30 07:31:24 0 0
Hi thereI installed the WhiteBox App on Windows 8.1. After I downloaded the SpinnerChief 3 (or 4). I get the following error on the registration to use the free version of the software. Please note that my friend also installed the app at the same time, and he has been running the applications successfully.The remote server returned an error: (401) UnauthorizedPlease help me resolve the problem. ...
superpower 2016/10/02 17:13:16 0 0
TweetAttacksPro 4: Unfollow is not working. Search & Filter is ok but no unfollow. Reason, time interval. What to do?
Vladimir 2016/08/31 13:24:54 0 0
Just paid for the product but when i input the given serial number to login to Botchief  Developer it tells me I input an invalid serial number.
hoverboard 2016/07/27 07:53:09 1 0
I 've got a new install of Windows 10 and when I install and try to run the Whitebox app all it does is appear in the task manager.  I don't have any icons that are added to the task bar or in the section where the icons are next to the clock.  I forget what that area is called.  How do I get this to work?
alexzandra_joie 2015/06/15 21:47:47 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:3.4.8Yahoo mail --> after the Create Button I get an error saying:Could Not Connect Description: Could not connect to the requested server host. Anyone can help? How to fix this? Thanks.
robert 2016/04/04 19:45:21 1 0
There are not enough telling me how to do stuff and the ones that have the robot voice, I cannot even watch.  Poking around and trying to figure out how to make everything work is not fun at all.  I need to know how to get my public proxies to load a proxy and when the task is done running I need to know where all of the login and account data is stored.  I cannot figure out either!  Maybe build some help list for every command and explain how it works and how to use it. ...
audioscramble 2016/04/04 17:47:51 1 0
Just paid for the product but when i input the given serial number to login to tweet attack pro 4 it tells me I input an invalid serial number. 
kbob132 2016/03/09 15:49:18 1 0
Operating System:Windows Server 2008Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:WhiteHatBox 2.0When I try to run the WhiteHatBox App normally or as an administrator nothing opens and I am eventually prompted with this:...
Jungles 2015/04/16 05:58:14 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:2.2Please, fix URL shortening bot as it is working only with default settings and only for tiny.cc . If I change any of settings e.g. time/period. bit.ly etc. - it doesn't work anymore at all.
Clockworkphotography 2015/10/10 20:55:53 0 0
I am unable to get your Whitehatbox app to work. as soon as I click on the app I get the "Whitehatbox app has stopped working" message. Tried left click, right click-run as admin, installed on disk C, then on disk D, then on flask drive. Made sure that .Net 3.5 is enabled. Nothing. Any suggestions?
Greg 2015/11/12 21:41:20 0 0
Whitehatbox app not responding after clicking on TweetAttack 3 and 4Whitehatbox installed on different partition net framework 3.5 enabled...
thedreambaby 2015/11/10 20:38:26 0 0
Every time I try to open the Whitehatbox app I get a message that it stopped working. Just purchased today.
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