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eidison0110 2015/12/23 22:24:31 1 0
Botcheif developer covers all botcheif apps am I correct? Or what does it cover?
eidison0110 2015/12/23 21:55:17 1 0
I get a box that says whitehatbox has stopped working and it closes everytime I try and download something
WhiteHatBox 2014/04/03 08:31:23 3 0
We will add some skills soon...
shinoda2 2015/06/20 18:19:47 2 0
4. Do you provide any sales statistic to affiliates? We certainly do. The WhiteHatBox Affiliate Platform has a very powerful statistics system, you can not only track all your sales and transactions, but also analyze your conversion rates, page views, visitor's refunds, etc. Click here to check more details....
shashankscg 2015/06/02 00:12:55 1 0
Hi,I have been promoting products and use bitly link, and i can see 20 clicks in bitly but when i come and check in my affiliate; View(s) Unique IP hasnt change. why?can you pl check why its not showing 20 new clicks from unique ip as its been more than 24 hrs since i got those clicks.
shashankscg 2015/06/02 13:16:41 1 0
Hi Team,I have been getting lot of clicks for TAM, but in admin area TAM doesnt show up, can you pl tell me how to track TAM views and sales.Thanks
christianbed 2014/10/06 20:50:32 2 0
Can we offer discounts on products if people buy through our link? Like $5 discount that comes out of our commission?
chris 2014/08/18 22:51:16 1 0
what is my affiliate ID?
miamiactualidad 2014/05/02 17:48:39 1 0
i Have paid 7 for 3 day and does not work
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