bechampions87 2016/10/18 16:52:06 0 0
Hi,For a bot I'm building, I'm looking at nesting Table Loops within each other. Are there any issues with this?Thanks!
Harvey Norman 2016/10/11 10:08:14 0 0
I'm trying to use Send Email action with a gmail account. I right click on the action to do a Test Run but it came back with failure and email sending was unsuccessful. Is there an error log or something to check to see what is wrong?
chasetrust 2016/08/06 14:31:05 0 0
I don't know if anybody can create a Bot for Vbro website.. for auto sending messages to apartment owners
digall 2016/10/03 23:51:35 0 0
I'm having issues with latest version V 4.1.5 so i want to downgrade to V 4.1.4.I know i can downgrade to last version from whitehatbox app but the problem is i run BOTChief directly by clicking exe file not from whitebox app. So i can't use that feature from whitehatbox app.BTW if statement with custom project is not working in latest release.
killbane 2016/09/26 22:06:10 1 0
I want to scrape IG followersBut I'm unable to login to IG.Its login button class changes on refresh and the username /pass field have same classes.Not able to click the login button.Also need help scraping followers from modal box.
ronnie173 2016/03/27 07:35:17 0 0
Hi I am trying to scrape all images and text from a page but I don't see any videos on how to do this. If I can get one image but I don't know how to make the scraper keep going until it gets all of the images. Also I need to download all of them to a directory on my hard drive. If anybody can give details on this or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks
TurboGolom 2016/09/26 06:40:17 0 0
So hello Guys and welcome to my Post. Im trying to get into this Tool after a long long break and now i wanna start with it again but i have here and there some questions about Functions or the Logic behind the Tool.1. So i  try to create an e-mail creator where i need to fill in informations like name,subname,street,streetnumber and all that kind of things. On the mail site is an Option to choose an wish e-mail adress and i wanna build it from the...
steve316 2016/09/18 12:33:25 0 0
I have compiled my bot into .zip but the program will not run on someone else's computer unless they download bot runner. I don't want to reveal the program I am using to build the bots. Is there a way to make it work?
acousticfiend 2016/09/11 15:42:34 0 0
Is there a function I can run that will extract the text from a pdf and save it as a new file?
djgbshows 2016/09/02 13:42:20 0 0
i need to know how to make a blacklist, Eq: i perform actions on a list of urls 1 time but do not want to perform the same action on them again so i will need to add them into a list that does not use these urls.
keker 2016/08/28 18:37:47 0 0
Hi, is it possible to automatically answer such questions with this program? The question is different each time. If so, what operations would I have to use?...
jrwrest 2016/08/27 08:19:26 0 0
HiIs it possible to select an option from a drop down list ? I have tried to use the click function but it just clicks on the box and not the option?
acousticfiend 2016/08/22 09:01:57 0 0
Is there a way to have the bot run an API? Say I have Walmarts API to do product searches is there a way to make a bot use that API?
acousticfiend 2016/08/18 08:59:44 0 0
I've created a bot that scrapes info from an inventory checker online. The output comes out in a continuous strings but I want it each store to be it's own column for easier analysis. The website I am using is brickseek.com/walmart-inventory-checker. An example zip code and item number are zip:60403, ID: 47335781.It appears as the data is set in a table on the website. I was able to make the bot grab...
jhovenellm 2016/08/16 09:02:23 0 0
The website that I'm trying to make a bot for is blocked. How can I unblock it? I try to access it from my web browsers and it loads just fine. Thank you.
steve316 2016/08/05 16:51:19 0 0
I am trying to use an IF statement where IF a link is present or true it clicks the link however it is skipping the true and jumping to false. I know the statement is true. Is there a fix? If I use the control without the if statement it clicks the link.
user_1234 2016/08/10 18:44:02 0 0
Can I run multiple instances of Botchief Editor / runner without problems?To clarify, I don't just want to run mutliple thread of each botcheif editor and runner but also many instances of those programs. Can I do this, or will it cause issues with the programs? I tried it some which seemed to work, I just wanted to make sure it will continue to work well.
jwilliams12 2016/04/10 20:57:54 0 0
can i use this to create a sneaker or shoe bot?Like BNB AIO or Easy Cop Professional
jsanders83 2016/08/04 09:19:32 0 0
Is there any way to print to the Logs window while running BotRunner? This would be useful for debug and knowing where an instance failed.ThanksJeff
ChessieBaybe 2016/08/03 12:23:36 0 0
I want to build a program that will:- pull data from mysql into desktop program- allow user to manipulate data (delete, de-duplicate, etc)- export final version of data as a csv fileCan BotChief do this?
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