Few anti-virus software say that WhiteHatBox maybe contain virus,
so it maybe ban you to install WhiteHatBox App or limit it to visit network.
The fact is that it is a false alarm, you can just ignore it or add an exception into the anti-virus software.
There are some reason to lead the false alarm, for example: WhiteHatBox has few blackhat seo tools,
or maybe just because we don't pay money to the anti-virus software company.
We are a good software company from 2008 and developed many popular software, we will never put virus in our product to kill ourselves. You can use our product without any worry.
I get it and it don't run. The staff say to me they will regard this issue with theri programmers and it was 3 days now. Anybody have this kind of issue with the custommer service (PCAcreator) ??
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Laura Lee2020/09/28 11:01:30
hiplease help me to solved my problem" there maybe a network problem to our server from your computer program will close now please try again later. if you cant get it work please contact on the forum"i have try to run this program but i get same problem
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Laura Lee2020/08/26 17:56:58
do you have a bot or does someone have a bot to autobuy on itunes and climb the charts? I saw that there is already a functional bot for "AppStore" but I don't know if it also works for iTunes .. Can someone help me?
Reply1Visit 8352
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Aprilcaicai2020/06/05 14:24:42
Hi, i want to know why i need to input Groups URL? Isn't the tool supposed to fetch all the URls or IDs With the option Search Groups? There is a way to fetch all groups URL with your tool or i need to use another tool for that task?
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Aprilcaicai2019/12/30 18:18:47
Hello,I would like some info about setting up BlackBulkMail to send 1 million emails per week, with high inbox rate. The majority of the email list are gmail addresses.What do i have to take a look?VPS?Proxies?How many accounts?Thank you!
Hello whitehatbox support team,I've tried to use proxies from proxyrack.com with PVA Creator and it seems to me that your software does not support residential proxies. The debug window opens and then your software just starts to highlight the username and the password field without any typing and it can do it over and over again till I push the button Stop. So what is the reason for that? The captcha window doesn't appear and PVA creator just gets stuck in endless...
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Aprilcaicai2019/12/26 10:42:28
Hello, I basically want to know everything I need to know in order to successfully manage accounts for plays, saves, follows and playing from playlists.Are there any videos I can watch that explain a few things I'm...
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Aprilcaicai2019/12/04 17:18:25
Hello,I feel hesitate between different tool to generate traffic.What do you think about this traffic bot ?does someone have already it ?Could you give me your review or advise me the best traffic bot please ;)Thank you. ...
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Aprilcaicai2019/11/22 16:58:00
As you sell on homepage, how can I send direct messages to my new followers on Instagram? http://prntscr.com/pg66ttWhen a person start to follow me I send then an direct message... how to do this?
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Aprilcaicai2019/10/21 17:59:38