handsun 2014/03/02 10:47:28 0 0
Hi! I have a mass of titles that are spun on the sentence and word level and I would like to unspin them at the sentence level to quickly choose the best ones, and leave the word spins in, then I can respin the sentences together. Every unspinner I have seen does not have this functionality. Do you have any ideas on how I can accomplish this? I do own SpinnerChief Pro.
osas123 2014/03/01 00:36:06 0 0
am finding it very hard adding sentence and paragraph manually could you ples assist me am using sc3 right nowalso which is the spin tree for manual spinning
mobius 2013/12/24 11:42:31 0 0
Hi,Could you help me to inform how to download sc3 from sc2 paid version. Will be update automatically while the update available or else?Thanks
kalasnikof 2014/02/24 16:38:48 0 0
osas123 2014/02/19 20:05:50 0 0
before now have been using the version 2 of this spinner but right now i can't connect anymore, always showing errors and directing me to spinner chief 3 which am find very tough to install.my question is can i still use the free version of SC 2?
WhiteHatBox 2013/08/29 08:50:55 0 0
The newest SpinnerChief III fixed some bugs, and made much improvement in Super Spin to generate more readable article, and also the update has the sentence spin function now....
kalasnikof 2014/01/12 18:29:43 0 0
1st.a.  Cannot scrape text content ( i don't know about others)b. Why so few article sources ?2nd. UniquenessWell.... 7 tries ZERO {0} to 2 percent {%} Uniqness .Ofcourse i am using a really good programThen and because i beleive in sc3 program and team behind  i scrape and make a cocktail of 5 texts suing other Cheap program ( not the well knows other) and spin with it. the i take the...
fergplay 2014/01/08 10:55:52 0 0
Can someone please explain to me how I use the tasks feature? Pardon my ignorance here but what exactly would I setup a task to do?
alodie 2013/12/15 01:34:50 0 0
...Purchased a copy of the SpinnerChief this October (2013).Since I did not have enough time to "take it for a spin" i decided to wait until i had the time.Tonight I logged onto the Spinnerchief.com site, every button I tried to click on gave me an error message.============Start of Error Message===================Server Error in '/' Application....
wpguy 2013/12/30 03:06:30 0 0
Hello.I am wondering how to do the following:I spun the article to 10 different articles.I need to set spinner chief 2 elite to insert different hyperlinks in to the different articles and as an anchor text I want to use a spin variations of the word I choose.So every article would have a different anchor text preferably with different link (links are set in Tools->Link manage)Is this possible?...
wpguy 2013/12/21 15:27:42 0 0
Hello friends.I am still using a spinner chief 2. I am trying to figure out how to auto replace synonyms.For example I have a text. In that text there are certain words repeating throughout.What I want to do is select first occurrence of the word then manually select best fitting synonyms and then have spinner chief replace every occurrence of the synonym in the text with selected synonyms form the first occurrence.Is it possible?...
Marketing101 2013/12/28 14:46:58 0 0
How do I get, find, locate my login credentials for third party software such as Kontent Machine and GSA? I need a user name and a password but I don't know where to look to get one.Thank you,Douglas
Narkoz 2013/12/28 11:23:25 0 0
hello i send you an e-mail two days ago related to my spinner chief account which you will upgrade to 250 spinning credit per day. Why you  dont reply me e-mails? I still cant use cloud thesaurus. Please upgrade my spinner chief  account immediately.My e-mail: ozledimnet  gmail.comMy User Name: Narkoz
neerajvijay 2013/12/14 00:29:14 0 0
I have purchased the elite package of Spinnerchief. It is only 1 month now & it is showing expired.Please let me know what is the issue. I paid $12 for 3 months.Username: neerajvijay
mrdemigod 2013/11/17 19:47:50 0 0
I already share it on facebook and refresh it but then there's no downlink link?Please help me.
yesorno 2013/05/16 12:02:48 0 0
Here is the new forum for SpinnerChief.We will provide full and fast support for SpinnerChief users at here!
rcclark999 2013/09/17 19:22:02 0 0
I was wondering if it is possible to open a suggestions thread to make the software the "go to spinner". I love using it and like hearing ways to improve it. GSA Search Engine Ranker has a very dedicated forum which suggested improvements are thrown out there and Sven and Ozz (the go to guys at GSA) are on it, sometimes within a matter of hours.It could really help Spinner Chief become a whole lot better than it already is. I have about a dozen suggestions right now and don't know where to post ...
rcclark999 2013/09/18 19:56:04 0 0
I am getting a little frusterated with the mods here, no communication on this forum. I have posted many suggestions, bugs, etc... and no replies from anyone!! Working with SC3 again today and found a couple more problems.....Should I state what they are? Who is going to listen? Go to GSA search engine ranker forum and see what a true dedicated team is like.... Questions are answered in minutes!!!!!!!!!No suggestions...
rcclark999 2013/09/17 19:32:49 0 0
I have a suggestion and was wondering if it is possible to make it happen.  My suggestion is enabling the super spin feature to work after I have spun on the paragraph or sentence level.  It tries to do it now, but will only spin parts of my paragraphs. It will spend some of them fully, but always seems to cut one are two in half, it seems.So I end up in having to cut the paragraphs into...
lifebox 2013/09/17 10:12:50 0 0
I'm not sure if there is already a way to solve this function, so tell me if it's already implemented.I love the identify synonyms function. I believe that is what makes an article unique in the eyes of copyscape. However, it is still tedious trying to manually spin those identified words. ...
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