tkron31 2015/05/01 11:02:13 0 0
Operating System:Windows OtherOperating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:WINEOK, so if I so much as move my mouse over WhiteHatBox, it throws up a button that says, "Failed to create window, class 'SWFClass0.System.Windows.Forms.Progressbar'". Error 0. I am wondering if it's related to that other error I'm having where I can't download anything off of WhiteHatBox.
Holztischler 2015/05/05 06:38:39 0 0
Hi...I saw the paid version is ready finally... How do i get the old version to update?
tkron31 2015/04/28 14:56:50 0 0
Operating System:Windows OtherOperating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:WINEOK, so I already tried this a couple of times (after a few headaches getting WhiteHatBox installed in the first place). Can somebody tell me why I get a weird "Error: 0" button if I so much as move my mouse over the Content Software tabs, and why WhiteHatBox keeps crashing if I try to install SpinnerChief?
obdseo 2015/04/29 02:59:40 0 0
WhiteHatBox 2015/04/16 09:04:39 0 0
We are going to release SpinnerChief 4 paid version soon. All SpinnerChief 3 paid user will be upgraded to SpinnerChief 4 freely.Althought we have improved SpinnerChief 4 much, we still want to ask if you need some other functions to be added into...
tprice 2015/04/07 11:55:05 0 0
So it took me a while to realize there are 2 different Calculate buttons to determine the similarity between articles.How does the regular Calculate compare with the Multi-Threaded version?And how does the Thread Number effect the calculation? How do we know what number to put into the Thread Number box?Thanks!
fthmydn 2015/04/13 08:56:27 0 0
Turkish language support needed to make better use
Merlin22 2015/04/11 19:18:03 0 0
I have tried to batch compare articles and then check an individual article/all vs copyscape and keep getting an error message saying "object reference not set to an instance of an object." I'm not sure what is causing the issue. 
micromonkey 2015/04/09 10:06:02 0 0
Got ultimate and it is working great--still learning.I'm looking for this feature--I see the copyscape part but not this one,SC duplicate copy checkerSimilar function to Copyscape...
pixelarge 2015/04/04 06:52:08 0 0
The payment for SpinnerchiefIII Ultimate has been made for one year after expiration of my 3 days trial but I have not received my serial code in my email yet. Please send me the serial code as soon as possible.Thank You.
pixelarge 2015/04/01 03:56:29 0 0
I work from my office and home and I have two PC's for SEO use. My question is,will I be able to use my spinner chief elite license that I just purchased on both of my computers.? Also I just got to know...
Merlin22 2015/04/01 18:54:19 0 0
Are there any instructions anywhere about how exactly to use the Articles Compare Window?I want to delete specific articles, but there are two delete buttons at the top list and I have no idea how they work.  I tried to select only the articles I wanted to delete, but it deleted everything but two articles. 
scdownload 2015/03/27 00:10:48 0 0
Email sent to the following for weeks and unattended.support@whitehatautomation....
francox 2014/12/17 11:10:00 0 0
Hello.I buy spinnerchief ultimate. Iam testing the API with the code example in PHP. But, when I select the spanish thesaurus (I add this option to the code), this return the same spun text as the english thesaurus. Also, this return some portuguese words, in a mix......
dwpg002 2015/03/23 11:18:24 0 0
Hi,If i give a article in English will it covet the article to nested SuperSpinto foreign language like German and French in super spun format
gene 2015/01/07 19:35:32 0 0
I recently purchased the SpinnerChief III Ultimate One-time price and started using it.When using the CloudThesaurus or Miracle Thesaurus I received an error message:"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. Click Continue to ignore this error."This also happens when I click the star button to favorite , it always throws error message. I have reinstalled the program 3 times already, and I gave up fixing it....
Mulmedman 2015/03/05 14:34:19 0 0
I bought Spinner Chief II for 197 USD and the  Spanish thesaurus for 40 USD more on the 19th of February - two weeks ago and I am still not able to use it...It requires that the seller autorize the thesaurus with my email and serial as far as I understood - but I get no answer from the seller.Any help would be great. Anybody else in the same situation....?Thank...
austinfx 2015/03/04 18:32:10 0 0
I just purchased Ultimate and the Serial will not work.Please Help,-J
s-karmen 2015/03/02 12:27:33 0 0
Hi, I've sent at least three emails in the last week and have not yet received a response. After updating TAP to the newest version I'm unable to access it as it tells me my licence is invalid. This is not the case as I bought a lifetime licence. Please advise!
jackjak 2015/02/25 12:30:06 0 0
Don't get any response and support from your email Could you please help me check. my email is [email protected]
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