Sergi0k 2015/07/08 08:06:39 0 0
Hi!How i Upgrade SpinnerChief 2 to SpinnerChief 4?
panther28 2015/07/02 22:17:39 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:sp1When I got the second time that the word "advantages" appeared in my text, when I highlighted it nothing came up. I ended up having to copy the alternatives from the previous "advantages" spin I had done earlier and paste it over the second one. 
WhiteHatBox 2015/05/23 10:28:26 0 0
Upgrade linke : http://license.domarketup.com/license/upgradetosc4.aspxDownload SpinnerChief 4 in whitehatbox app directly.Enjoy!
ddon7650 2015/06/30 09:30:47 0 0
Hi,Sometime when I use super spin, sc4 show an error as in the pic. How can I determine and fix this error?...
panther28 2015/07/02 21:49:23 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:service pack 1I just had a crash of the software, which I had saved 40 minutes previous. Now I had already checked that the save option was on and I had set it to every minute. It was still setup like that when I restarted the application, but the file was not the updated. It was the one that I had performed the manual save on before.
panther28 2015/07/02 21:12:35 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4Every time I try to add a word phrase spin, I get an error when I click the starhttp://gyazo.com/8b1e45dded8d8876ff75d7ef272e28b8
ddon7650 2015/07/02 02:36:19 0 0
I am SC4 Ultimate user, after spin, I check an article by DuplicateSniper in SC4 it always say "No Duplicate Found" but when I try to check the same article with other tools or even by DuplicateSniper free version, it found duplicate. 
spotme2 2015/06/30 16:13:46 0 0
I just purchased SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate Version One Time Fee - $197 and when I go to use it I get an error message telling my my serial number isn't valid. How do I get this corrected?
NetMajom 2015/06/23 10:25:21 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:9.0.2HelloThis is a new error..http://prntscr.com/7kd4k6What is this? How can i solve?
mmdti 2015/06/26 00:32:04 0 0
Can I try the SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate for just the 3 day trial for onetime payment of $7?
mehmet.mania 2015/06/19 08:39:36 0 0
Hello, I'm creating a new language (thesaurus). However, when I do spin the words doesn't change. I am create new thesaurus. And save. But click on Spin to Spintax and few words change. If i click Super Spin, program is crash
Eshan D' Koongoda 2015/06/16 09:43:54 0 0
I have downloadedspinnerchief 4 & try free version. When I run spinnerchief its showing aemail login dialog box. I fill my name and email address and then click theregister email button. Its showing the error “ Email register failed, please tryit later”. And try to login its showing “login failed please register andactivate your email first”. Then display that... I do it again more times. But still have the problem. I have already register & activatemy account in the WhiteHatBo...
syedgalib 2015/06/07 11:47:54 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:Spinner Chief 4Spinner Chief 4 is not working. When I spin anything it shows the inputted article in every spined  article. Please fix this bug immediately.
Reaper06 2015/05/31 19:49:11 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:SC3 and 4I messaged someone there a few days ago and still haven't gotten a solution. In fact, it seems like I am being ignored. If you want me to use another service, I will. This is what I am looking at right now. I cannot see the text I write/paste nor the results of the spin. If, by chance, I do see a spin, I cannot change it in anyway. As you can see the box, which is normally white, is now gray. Fix it please. I have be...
mikey08 2015/05/31 05:34:20 0 0
I have version 4 ultimate. I notice certain words have the tilde, I think it is what is called. I use the very readable option and the other one readable option or is that how to make it readable.Also I notice sentence spin produces errors, I think it is the other brackets left over
bigafantasy 2015/05/31 11:37:20 0 0
Hi everyone just purchased SpinnerCheif Ultimate and first post here!I have a question about the spin calculate similarity feature, what % would you guys say is a good rule of thumb to keep the similarity percentage below ideally for your spun articles ?And how much of a necessity is it to use Copyscape to check my spun articles or should I be able to use this calculate similarity feature to keep me safe ? ...
Nilrodru 2015/05/25 15:16:56 0 0
Hi there,  :Sorry, your serial number is invalid or expired!! I have purchased Spinnerchief 3 ultimate version and I paid full amount according our mail conversation. Please check these two transactionID # 9MU32546J9596952J =>  Feb 13, 2015ID# 81681307L8456660 => Apr 30, 2015But now when I am trying to use this software it is showing :  Sorry, your serial number is invalid or expired!!I mailed you and you asked me that have I paid full amount? I told yes. And I didn't here a...
BleedW 2015/05/26 13:48:39 0 0
Okay, Let me just ask a freaking question first! How long does it take to get a support email answered? Waiting the entire day for whoever to get the freaking email answered, and I'm done with my patience so i'm posting here hoping that someone will give me freaking answer already!I paid for SC3 several months ago, today I have used you site link to upgrade to SC4. Right after that I wasn't been able to authenticate my credentials accurately. I have send you a screenshot on...
67MAD 2015/05/25 09:25:32 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:Spinner Chief iii    Hi, I have purchased this today with the $7 free trial and so far I have only been able to scrape 1 article in the last few hours. It doesnt seem to find anything? No matter what subjects I search for - seo, casino, online slots, internet marketing.... nothing. Is this a bug? I also tried it with mix scrape...
tprice 2015/04/27 11:26:27 0 0
I generated 650 articles. I'm using a 25% duplication threshold, so when I click the Delete button in the Articles Compare window it pops up the little window that shows how many articles it will keep and how many it will delete.Here's the weird thing:After the comparison was done I clicked the Delete button, and it said:Deleted: 54 Left 596I clicked "No"...
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