winter400 2017/03/05 20:12:14 0 0
hello,How to use windows automation? I need video tutorials. I can't use windows automation, open win program, type, fill and click on software?Best regards,Winter
mikeinnyc 2017/03/01 18:36:15 0 0
ok, Im still confused. Trying get make fresh leads for me to call. I've spent some considerable time now.I was able to follow the YouTube video "BotChief Multi Level Scraper" along with "BotChief Tutorial Series - 03 - Using the Scraper Action."Combining certain parts to try to figure out my goal.Part 1: To extract Company Name and Address from a website THEN...
user_1234 2017/03/05 05:35:41 0 0
I was working on my program I spent a lot of time on, and now I can't find the .dat file.I tried restoring the old folder and updating but I can't find it anywhere!Do you know how I can recover it?
mikeinnyc 2017/03/06 00:09:26 0 0
Can someone help me find my data location that I just scraped?Also it would be great if someone made a PDF HELP book showing what each control does.
mikeinnyc 2017/03/04 12:09:10 0 0
Example: I added States abbreviated then saved. not working if I use multiple values only works with one value....
ChessieBaybe 2016/08/03 12:22:17 0 0
NEVER MIND. I FOUND THEM, BUT CAN'T FIND A WAY TO DELETE THIS POST.I just downloaded the free version with plans to get the developer version if this work as advertised (which I'm sure it will).I was wondering... while doing my research, I thought I read there were plugins somewhere that could be added to BotChief but I can't find them.Do they exist? And, if so, where can I find them?...
winter400 2017/02/25 11:39:07 0 0
Hello,I use command, error. Please help:Command: Netsh mbn show interface. Error: The following command was not found: mbn show interface.Regards,Winter400    
winter400 2017/01/05 17:01:37 0 0
Hello,I'm trying send HTTP Post UTF-8. But it's not working.My Title: Thát is nót goodResult: Th?t is n?t goodHow i fix it? What is setting http post?Thanks,Winter4000
monkeyclaws13 2017/03/01 16:13:49 0 0
Hello,Is it possible at all to update the UI controls values from a module without having to exit the web operation module like when using a return value?Thanks
[email protected] 2017/02/21 06:46:33 0 0
When I try to run a "Load URL" I get an "outdated browser error".  How do I update the browser being used in Botchief?
ohans 2017/02/21 03:11:28 0 0
can i use spin tags in botchief.My language is not English and I do not own spinnerchief.I want to load a text file in botchief. like this{word1|word2} and {word4|word5|word6} and botchief create a message.and the next run a new message.i hope you can help me with this.
ihrajcom 2017/02/18 05:08:53 0 0
Hi everyone I want to create a costume bot, to check Email is register or available in https://twitter.com/signupI have thunder lists emails to check if already registered or available.I need final of the task to give me how available and already registered to save in a txt file sash as:| registered                 | available....
Alex7735 2017/02/13 06:44:54 0 0
how can i add to a form in a calendar for example i get to the month of june and now i want to be added to that 1st day (june 3rd)
jverley 2017/02/12 08:59:33 0 0
I've been looking but can't find any info on this one.How do you import/export variables from one module to another? Or how can I create them on the fly from a csv file? I see I can import a csv file and then assign them to already created variables inside of a module, but that's a pain in the *** when you have 100+ variables that are going to be set up exactly the same between modules.Simple ones, like username, password, name, etc. That...
MoralUtility 2017/01/13 15:23:36 1 0
Ordered botchief pro today just curious how long it takes to get license. On redirect from paypal it gave an error so not sure if that was where the license was given or notThank you,
Adive 2017/01/13 13:21:56 0 0
The bot has a captcha thing, but I was wondering if you can make the captcha automated too, instead of it being manual.My goal is to make a voting bot (the site has a captcha + 1 time per 24h so im also using proxies), that I could leave on my VPS for long times with loads of proxies.That's why I'd need an automatic captcha.. So is it possible?    
user_1234 2017/01/09 10:49:27 0 0
Hi, I need help with getting my program to work with a json API.I'm new to getting this work, so help / an example would be great.If someone could help me that would be great. I have Bot-chief Developer, so I have access to all options.
kudave2 2017/01/06 10:21:58 0 0
Used forum example http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=4349&searchText=date#.WG8T24WcFhE to get date/time from system and on TestRun got error stating that I was using a different version of browser and it couldn't run.  If I run in debug it doesn't return date/time to the variable that I assigned.  Looking for the best way to obtain system date and time for a wait or sleep process.  Thanks!
ni8_blue 2017/01/03 09:08:05 0 0
Hey I am working on botchief editor, under dropdown options after right click on module, selecting insert action then moving down to others section,selecting "Keystrokes Emulation".After selecting "Keystrokes Emulation" , when I click on test run it prompts me "Success" but It should show a dialog to enter value for variable as I am using a variable.Variable "Initialize variable with no default" value set and its range is...
bottodo 2016/12/20 10:30:31 0 0
Hello,I dont know how to Press Enter key... Anyone can help me?Thanks all!
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