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Danksta 2015/11/14 05:07:26 0 0
Here are some features i would want to get implemented in botchief :DFeatures-Socks support (Currently has only http proxy support) I needed this since, i have tons of socks procies but couldnt get a hold of http proxiesSupport for mathmatical operations in variable management like addition/sub/division/multiplication/ and logical like greater than/smaller thanComparing integers (As in < > <= >=) in 'If statement'...
user_1234 2016/02/13 23:29:30 1 0
I have a suggestion that would relive a huge bottle neck with my program. Could Mouse / Keyboard emulation without taking control of system mouse/keyboard be added to Botchief? Because the program takes control of my real mouse and keyboard I cannot use the multi-thread feature or use my computer when the program is running. If botchief could add the emulation features it would be amazing! Is there anyway I can program this in ajax / C# / or JS? if not when could botchief add this?
Netman 2016/01/29 08:29:54 0 0
Hi,Here are the things I think is needed to apply to the Form Designer: * Just like module design in form section please change "Saved!" dialog box to a "Saved" style in module style, It's annoying to move over and click Ok button each time you make minor changes to the form. * Ability of Copy, Cut and Paste on controls is necessary - specially when you want to put many...
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:46:29 0 0
It is unable to test run. Sometimes it is necessary to determine the correct response....
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:28:03 0 0
I propose to add the ability to add notes to the core code of the module.If the code module consists of hundreds of items, it is easier to navigate your code.Note has no possibility to use "Process Control - Goto" (It does not have numbers).Note allocated a certain color, such as yellow.I drew an example:...
greyhat 2016/01/10 02:57:13 0 0
Hi, I'd like to thank the team/dev/support for making this bot possible.  I do like it, and its quite handy as is.  But it could become MUCH MORE POWERFUL if you:monitored & responded more frequently on the forumsquickly implement possible feature requestsThe biggest thing that I'd like to request for now is that you guys you use multiple...
Fatboyy 2015/12/07 09:04:17 0 0
Hi, can you add this function to BotChief Runner:If the task fails, try again X timesSomething like this:...
onlygrace 2015/11/25 22:07:59 0 0
Hi, I think it will be nice if you can add debug start in Botchief Editor from certain step. I hate to start debugging over and over again, especially if the module has a lot of steps. Not just do certain action, but debug it (run the module), from the certain action move downward. thanks before
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 13:23:30 0 0
"Process Control - If" does not contain options for the mathematical comparison of numbers: < or >. Sometimes I need to compare two numbers....
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 13:08:54 0 0
The ability to disable certain operations. This is necessary to test the module without these operations, if multiple operations, they have a nested structure or customized. Remove and add again - not very comfortable.Disabled operation are marked with a cross and become shaded. I drew an example:...
Karmagedon 2015/08/24 12:58:45 0 0
Action List is very large and it was good. But even with the open panel Action List often have to scroll through the list. It would be very nice if at the top of the list had a list of favorite actions, where the user could add action, which he uses often.
Karmagedon 2015/08/25 13:04:29 0 0
After clicking on the Save button label appears, where you click on OK. ...
Karmagedon 2015/08/24 18:35:48 0 0
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:42:18 0 0
If your code module is a large number of lines, the ability to integrate the code into the blocks would be convenient. The code block can not use the "Process Control - Goto", but it is possible within a block of code.You can also add the ability to protect from editing some blocks (the lock icon in the second half of the image).Note: I used the "Wait (loop)" to draw an example - there is an old icon.Example:...
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