Few anti-virus software say that WhiteHatBox maybe contain virus,
so it maybe ban you to install WhiteHatBox App or limit it to visit network.
The fact is that it is a false alarm, you can just ignore it or add an exception into the anti-virus software.
There are some reason to lead the false alarm, for example: WhiteHatBox has few blackhat seo tools,
or maybe just because we don't pay money to the anti-virus software company.
We are a good software company from 2008 and developed many popular software, we will never put virus in our product to kill ourselves. You can use our product without any worry.
Hi, I believe it is possible to download the Tor files (not browser) that allow network traffic to exit via the Tor network so all traffic is being anonymised. Has anyone tried this and had any success? How reliable is it when interacting with sites or does it generate more captchas?Thanks.
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elsaeyer2017/11/16 14:52:47
I am trying to work out how to load a url that has ID=1234 at the end of the URL and then scrape the html title from the returned page, store that title and then loop but next time load a URL with the next ID , e.g 1235 and then 1236 etcI can't work out how to increase the ID by 1 each time it loops. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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elsaeyer2017/11/16 14:02:20
I managed to create several twitter accounts with botchief and confirmed the email. upon signing in to upload the pictures, twitter stopped my "robot" behavior and asked to verify a phone number. Do you fellows know how to get arround this?
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elsaeyer2017/11/12 11:24:17
I'm able to create a basic script to create email accounts, but I don't know how to retrieve the email address and password that Botchief used to create those accounts. In one post I read that they are stored in a .CSV file, but I don't know where is that file stored?
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peiqube72017/11/10 04:36:16
I need help! How can I fill the blank with username and password for multiple accounts? I used variable but they are not in order and fill in randomly!
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elsaeyer2017/11/09 19:33:19
Hey guysIs there a difference in running a module within the editor and the runner / standalone?Im experiencing a weird issue:When I run the module in Editor, everything fineAs soon as I run it standalone or in Runner, the Captcha response controls are not on the site. I switched the Editor browser to latest version, is this version not included in Runner and/or standalone? I...
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elsaeyer2017/11/09 19:31:34
I'm looking for an expert in facebook scraping, to scrape data from personal facebook profiles, like name , uid , city , pages likes and group likes, basically everything is visible without being friends, thanks
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elsaeyer2017/11/01 17:20:15
Hi all,I'm considering buying this software (for educational use of course), but its pricey, and i've seen some negative posts on here. One concerning statement i've seen a user "kabone76" post is:"Fuck BotChief! WhiteHatBox will steal from you, disable your keys when they don't get their way"I'm not sure if this is a joke, or this is a real thing, but wanted to get some feedback on...
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elsaeyer2017/10/31 16:47:37
I am watching a video tutorial of how to use Botchief. They imported a module that was on their PC when adding a new task. Like here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp1F4hZL1iQHow do I get these modules to create tasks?Where are better tutorials? a manual maybe?Thanks
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elsaeyer2017/10/31 16:33:47
I have a quote action inside one of my modules. This works perfectly when running in debug mode inside of botchief.When I export the module and run inside of botChiefrunner the module runs but it does not execute the quote action at all. Is there something I am doing wrong? Do I need to compile the module into an exe?Thank you.
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elsaeyer2017/10/31 16:32:48
Hi there,I have the Pro version and would like to upgrade to the Elite version (since I need the keystrokes emulator). When I click the keystrokes emulator in botchief editor, it says upgrade. So I click upgrade and it brings me to the botchief website where I can buy the elite version. But I just want to upgrade from Pro to Elite. And pay the difference..How do I do this?Thanks
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elsaeyer2017/10/31 16:26:54
Hi there,Is there a tutorial on how to use the editor browser instead of the default one that opens in a new window? My intent is to have the user perform tasks between modules. Is that possible? This is a mockup of my main form. ...
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elsaeyer2017/10/30 17:32:56
Is there any documentation available for the software?I have watched some video tutorials and understanding some concepts are not as easy for a newbie as shown in videos. There are many commands that if not explained well, i see impossible to complete a script as the ones i need.Thanks.
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kabone762017/10/18 06:02:15
Yet again the login server is down, this is my 2nd post in 5 days about the same shit issue!You guys need to get your shit sorted or get out of the business of charging people for software, how can a poor level of infrastructure you can be bothered to maintain affect all your customers who have paid for working software licensesI expect a free licence matching what i have paid for to replace to many hours of downtime and...
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kabone762017/10/18 06:00:56
Hi am i missing something i cant get this to delete the first row of the table , is there another step that hast to be done for this to work any help will be appreciated....
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kabone762017/10/18 05:58:05
hello can someone help me !! I need my bot run Just if this one find a image or text on page ! I have tested with find operate But the condition is true on each test !!can someone help me !!
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kabone762017/10/18 05:56:29