aleksandrius 2017/03/08 22:03:50 0 0
I have a lifetime license for SpinnerChief. Username is aleksandrius.However, when I login into the web, it asks for a Serial Number: http://prntscr.com/dx033xWhen I insert (copy/paste) the correct SN, it says "Serial Number Error": http://prntscr.com/dx03knIt's been 2 months since I first contacted you privately for this issue, but no one responded. Why are you not resolving this?paypal email is: [email protected] was made...
[email protected] 2017/03/10 01:30:02 0 0
please, is there anyone out there.....
morrowmann 2017/03/02 10:21:31 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:9.1.1Hi,When I preview articles there is an empty space between words where it shouldn't be:...
catchonnow 2017/03/04 12:26:10 0 0
Give me comparison bettwen bonus content bomb and elite content bomb please.
Muhammad Akarudin 2017/02/21 03:54:14 0 0
I've payment to buy SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate Version for 1 year, but this have 3 day never give me serial number or lisence???
thanuthep 2016/10/14 13:08:33 0 0
Hi,1.  I purchased the one-time fee version of SpinnerChief 4.  However, the program was failed to run on PC.  I've emailed you for a couple of days now to get support, but there's NO reply from you AT ALL. 2.  Wanted to use the spin on web, but "Spin Error"???? In other words, I paid a high fee, but cannot use the product.   Very disappointed.  Please revert to my mail as soon as possible,...
spiritfly 2017/02/17 16:48:04 1 0
Guys I love your products, I have X-Spinner and Spinnerchief from the day they were available for sale. I supported you guys throughout forums like Blackhatworld and other public forums and groups as much as possible. You have created great products there, but there is one thing that really bothers me with both Spinnerchief and X-Spinner. So I would like to ask you:Can you please create a new variable in your API in both Spinnerchief and X-...
vidladdie 2017/02/13 12:19:20 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:?Why have you disabled my license?I see from other posts that it happens a lot.As I paid with Paypal if this  is not sorted I will file a dispute
opiniones 2017/01/27 06:58:41 0 0
Hello,I have a problem API.If I use it directly in a php I have a login error but if I use it from a html form that makes a post call to that php works fine.Any ideas?function getSpinResult($articulo,$idioma){    $apikey=my api id;    $username=my user;    $pass=...
shamaim 2017/01/23 06:45:21 0 0
Hello,How can I use spinnerchief in the Hebrew language?
Nilrodru 2017/01/22 09:23:44 0 0
Hi there,Actually, it was installed on my computer, but suddenly it is showing download spinnerchief 4. But when going to download it is showing: "There is a problem to download SpinnerChief4, Please try again later!"But facing the same problem!! Also, I am not getting the human readable spin article. Could you let me know how can get the human readable spinning article?Kindly check this screenshot URL: http://prntscr.com/dyud9aPlease solve my both problem ASAP.Waiting for your respons...
Nilrodru 2017/01/23 00:22:10 0 0
Hi there,I am using Ultimate version, but not getting the human readable article. How can get the human readable spinning article? Let me know, please.Thanks!
marcush90 2017/01/17 08:31:09 0 0
When editing some spintax and finding that the spin tree has messed up and placed something like this {{blahahah|blahahahah}{asfijdsfiigjirig|fdgjhirjgijr|ijfgiorejghitrht}when it was just all emant to be in one like{blahahah|blahahahah|asfijdsfiigjirig|fdgjhirjgijr|ijfgiorejghitrht}when I try to delete the { spinnerchief every single time this occurs glitches and becomes not repsonding meaning I have to close the software...
qurat 2016/12/29 13:20:25 0 0
hi,i've bought the spinnerchief 4 ultimate license, i've emailed [email protected] but there is no answer and the API isnt working with other software, I 've tried contentbomb and gsa but the api gives an error message....
outsync 2016/11/16 04:25:11 0 0
Hello there! How long time does it take to activate new thesaurus ? Bought it 2 days ago from http://thesaurus.spinnerchief.com/ and still cannot use it. (I've already mailed to [email protected] with details...).
marcush90 2016/12/22 08:54:09 0 0
When I select load miracle theasurus and then select any word no synonmys appear.Any help would be great thanks!
eMMe 2016/12/20 15:29:40 0 0
Hi, o bought SpinnerChief 4 yesterday but when i try to install it (using WhiteHatBox) it ans me the serial number. Where can i find the Serial Number?Thanx
puwadol 2014/04/07 06:39:01 0 0
morrowmann 2016/12/13 10:42:54 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:9.1.1Hi,I've been trying to batch spin 1000 articles into {}I constantly freezes.These are my settings:https://gyazo.com/08b92f2f8a87c8aabaf3be1e94d28601I use better thesaurus and empty field at file savings.I also use Grammar AI and Part of speech....
irfan 2015/09/11 23:57:23 0 0
Hello, SpinnerChief 4 Cloud Thesaurus File not updating.Kindly help!
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