[email protected] 2017/10/16 17:10:01 0 0
hi, Can not pay, suggesting an error...
levd 2017/10/03 02:31:43 0 0
Hi,Im a spinnerchief elite user and bought a trial for spinnerchief ultimate.I filled in my serial on the spinnerchief web interface, but when i try to do a spin im getting an error "spin error"Also i did not recieved my serial by mail only the popup after i purchased the trial, cant find it anywhere anymore.How can i use the ultimate web edition without the errors? If my trial expires will i automatically go...
ct05137 2016/06/02 17:01:16 0 0
Hello i just bought the spinnerchief in order to spin my greek articles...When i'm trying to load the fille from cloud thesaurus it pops ups a message which says wrong thesaurus fille..As you can understand i bought this software to spin articles in Greek if you can't please tell me to cancel my subscription. Or just sent me a fille to download it and try to load it. Thanks
morrowmann 2017/09/25 22:25:23 0 0
I've tried to create a ticket as well but it doesn't seem like it went through...Anyway, when I start spinnerChief5 I get this error message and thesaurus won't load:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.************** Exception Text **************System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'SharerAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral,...
[email protected] 2017/09/11 00:09:37 0 0
Username and password not working in content bomb settings for spinnerchief. Please help!
dvmagic 2017/09/12 21:22:07 0 0
Hi! i can not work with API, incorrect login/password - i put the correct, but it fails. And i can npt sign in into panel of account. Pls, help
aamazonn 2017/09/03 00:45:19 0 0
hi there!I have SpinnerChief 5 with German Cloud Thesaurus and used the SuperSpin feature. SuperSpin settings: most unique - Thesaurus Quality goodIt spon 13 words in a simple 113 word text. Is there a way to get a bit more spon words?thanks,Marcus
[email protected] 2017/08/29 22:58:19 0 0
Hi i am trying to use your software but i am disepointed there is no explanation how to use all the features of your soft !i choose your software  and not other cause i was thinking is the bes !but no explanation , no response , i try to contact sunboya on skype but he never explain me how to use your software !please i need help do you have even some document where is explained the feature ...
alexz 2017/08/12 02:03:36 0 0
hello, my spinnerchief 5 does not spin all Synonyms. i loaded my thesaurus.how can i fix this?...
Gemini 2014/06/23 23:26:30 0 0
I created a custom thesaurus. I want every single synonym to be spun. Instead, Spin to Spintax only changes a few. Right now, I am having to manually go through my entire documents to select every single synonym. I really, need to automate this. Am I missing a setting somewhere? I feel like I've tried every selection under Spin to Spitax and the Spin button. I set everything to Auto-Spin Frequency to '1', and I still can't get every synonym to spin. I don't need multiple articles, I just need on...
mavillar 2017/08/04 20:33:46 0 0
Hi,In case you have a directory with more than 1600 files to spin, the program stops!I think the program do not manage well the memory or something similarI have to spin a directory with ten of thousands files. 
mavillar 2017/05/29 03:56:44 0 0
Hi,Is there any way to setup spinnerchief for spinning all articles within a directory?I have many articles (about 10000) and need to create a process that spin each article separatlly.
mavillar 2017/07/24 19:29:54 0 0
Hi,I have a directory with 1000 articles of around 2Kb lenght.Once I setup the BatchSpin, it start working fine and when the process get 11%, it arises the following exception:...
sanyock 2017/06/29 10:20:58 0 0
Please let me know:1) What is the maximum text length which can be spun in a single API request toSpinChief2) Can I mark some fragments to be excluded from spinning?
Maltieee 2017/06/26 18:36:11 0 0
Hello, the Update Altert Pops up for the "Fixed ExcelSpin Bug" and does not respons to clicks on yes, no. also the load thesaurus window pops up . the buttons there as responding but will result in endless loading. how to fix this mess?
scdownload 2017/06/18 11:04:02 0 0
Dear Whitehatbox,Since you're busy for not replying my email and I need to inform my FB page fans, therefore, I would like to ask this question.Example: How to upgrade Spinner Chief Elite 4 to Spinner Chief Elite 5 automatically? Or we have to manually upgrade our old version? This question, of course as well apply to all version of SC 4 & SC Ultimate 4.Awaits your...
Carlos 2017/04/04 05:05:41 0 0
HiI am using the spinner chief 4 v9.1.1. I use the thesaurus in Spanish, but I can′t save the corrections and synonymous, so I can′t make a good thresaurus, because always I need to make the same changes.Would you help me? Thank you
mavillar 2017/06/08 03:50:08 0 0
Each time I click ona word and select a sinonym from the below table, arises the following exception:What's happening?...
ownpy 2017/05/04 19:44:28 0 0
Hello, I want know when is SpinnerChief 5 version release date. I just search the forum, is that release on May?Thank you!
ruvinsales 2017/06/01 23:40:38 0 0
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