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peter20201@gmail.com 2016/02/17 08:34:51 0 0
Dear Sir or Madam,I read this support form, but I do not see anyone mention about my issue. So I post this form to you. I also send an email to support. Here is my...
mamoke 2016/08/23 12:31:56 0 0
Is Spinner Chief 2 still functional? I just downloaded it a while ago and it's taking more than two hours to send me a verification email .
ansul1312 2016/04/18 09:18:24 0 0
I am getting error "cURL Error (7): couldn't connect to host" when i am trying to use spinchief api through php i have used port 443 as mentioned and url is also correct. Thanks in advance.
wcsaw1982 2016/08/10 14:35:47 0 0
i tried to submit post by using spinner chief 4 "wordpress submit" but after i submit there is no new post on my blog.when we wanna create a new account there is 3 space to put our URL, username and password.may i know the username and the password is our wordpress one or our whitehatbox one?
tonyalice7 2015/12/08 13:58:55 0 0
hello i want to ask a question... please help meis it possible to submit several articles at once by using spinnerchief ?i already clicked "advanced functions" menu and "create post task" but i can't loador find any menu to browse my articles on there.i tried to open some articles by using "open multi files in different windows" menu.after that, i clicked "spin" menu on spin tab. and after the article is generated,there is "submit current article" and "submit all article" button. but, when i cli...
Cheque 2016/02/21 10:54:40 0 0
Hello. I purchaseda 7 day subscription with option for a year for the software SpinnerChief. I donot want to continue with my subscription for the year, I want to opt out of itand cancel any further payment. What steps do I need to follow? Have a niceday....
Carlos 2017/04/04 05:05:41 0 0
HiI am using the spinner chief 4 v9.1.1. I use the thesaurus in Spanish, but I can′t save the corrections and synonymous, so I can′t make a good thresaurus, because always I need to make the same changes.Would you help me? Thank you
mfriedman1977 2017/03/16 23:43:48 0 0
Hey everyone, I'm completely new to spinner spoftware but decided to give this a shot. Is there ANYTHING out there that explains how to use this from step 1? Everything I find seems to assume you already have 10 years of experience using this stuff! Or it just shows how to use new features. I can't even get a single sentence to spin! Nothing happens. 2 hours working with this software and I've gotten nowhere. Seems odd to build a robust software and not have a user guide. Please help!!!
kingseoindia 2017/03/27 16:04:27 1 0
Hi,I am getting a problem of content coding that is -When i spin a article so there is some character which is not accept by my software so i want output spin characters in unicode so how could i change it ?Here i the details that what i got and what i want ?Got - Want’ - '“ - "” - "Please tell me solution....
goodtoknow 2016/02/04 18:26:25 0 0
I am posting this out of sheer frustration, i bought a life time license for spinner chief elite back in July 2011.Initially i was having trouble registering my elite version license and shortly after had given up due to personal reasons....
kingseoindia 2017/03/22 14:53:56 1 0
Hi, I used email id and api with GSA SER but getting error to not get connect with Spinner Chief even software is working well.
dsieg58 2017/03/21 03:24:17 0 0
Can I use my liicense to install a second copy for my VA? Or do I have to buy another license? Thanks in advance
frank888 2017/03/14 01:46:15 0 0
Super Spin Button Missing in ultimate version 4how to use the superspin ? need help here please check attached image
BrianGagne 2017/03/11 07:53:50 0 0
I saw a few other buyers had an issue with getting their serial number via paypal purchase - I just wanted to let the staff know I sent over an email with the information pertaining to the order so I can get my code - Excited to start using the software!
Muhammad Akarudin 2017/02/21 03:54:14 0 0
I've payment to buy SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate Version for 1 year, but this have 3 day never give me serial number or lisence???
outsync 2016/11/16 04:25:11 0 0
Hello there! How long time does it take to activate new thesaurus ? Bought it 2 days ago from http://thesaurus.spinnerchief.com/ and still cannot use it. (I've already mailed to support@whitehatbox.com with details...).
marcush90 2016/12/01 07:29:47 0 0
Hello using spinnerchief ultimate If I was to grab a bunch of paragraphs from different websites and copy and paste them into the editor how could I then mix these setences together really quickly.For exampleThe car is a really great mode of transport. Lorries are very big verisons of cars, and quite loud. Cars are not as good as spaceships though. blahahaha another sentence.Into Lorries are very big verisons of cars, and...
outsync 2016/11/17 10:56:21 0 0
I have a simple question. Is it possible to install my license on 2 PCs? I use one license at office on my laptop and I want to use it on my home PC also. Haven't found such info at http://www.whitehatbox.com/Thanks in advance!
rickxl 2016/11/15 07:57:48 0 0
I’ve just purchased SpinnerChief 4 but the serial number is invalid, how to get a new one?
prabha99 2016/11/08 06:50:54 0 0
Hi,When i try to load the cloud thesaurus then  it is taking much time and not able to load and iam getting a error message.I am attaching a screenshot where it is taking time to load.
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