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Kontent Machine Integration

ReplyThanks 2014/11/26 18:54:51 0 0


I've created an account at account at account.spinnerchief(.)com

I provided my SpinnerChiefIII serial number and was automatically upgraded to the Ultimate account.

I logged in, went to my profile page, and copied the api; which I pasted to my Kontent Machine Credentials field. However; Kontent Machine indicates that the credentials are invalid.

I have repeated this operation at least twice in two different days, yet get the same results.

Your help is greatly appreciated.



2014/11/27 04:06:57

Please download our test program at http://developer.spinnerchief.com/SCAPIExample.zip

And unzip the program, then run the progrm at SCAPIExample\bin\Debug\APIExample.exe

Input your information to test to see the problem is our spinnerchief or on Kontent Machine

Btw, we have another program that does similar job to KontentMachine and better than KM. It is in beta, let me know if you are interested.

Let's ROCK!
2014/12/08 21:18:04

I ran the application you had me download. I pasted an article, and three keywords, and the program spinned the article but I don't see what info you need.

2016/02/17 08:30:56
Dear Sir or Madam,

I just brought the SpinnerChief 4 Ultimate one time.

I use it with the Kontent Machine. When I use it, I receive an error:

"cannot use for more than 1000 words one time". (also, please see the attached image).

If I use the default KM Spinner (in the Content Machine), it will have no issue. This issue seems to be a Spinner Chief4 related problem. Is this a known issue? Or is there anything didn't setup properly? I mainly use this spinner for KM.

I've included my purchase prove as if you may want to see my purchase invoice.

Thank you for your help.


2016/02/19 00:13:58
Please make sure you use the paid api account of spinnerchief. the free account has 1000 words limit.
Let's ROCK!
2016/02/19 00:14:26
And make sure you input the paid spinnerchief serial code into the web account to upgrade your api account already.
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