hmmm, it is not English, it is hard for me to check.
But the page is not a flash page, can you please make your need more clear and make another example.
Thanks. we will try our best to help you.
Another example : game321.com
Choose any browser game which you like.(exp : pirates.game321.com )Then login
ID : testflash
Pass : 123456
After login, press start game.Choose any server which you like. Thank too much for your support.
so after login, it is like this >>
Seems not a flash, what do you want to do then?
Ok, I got it.
It is a flash game, Flash is not a html element, so it can't be controlled using the normal way.
We need make a research about how to control flash, I have some idea in my mind now.
I have some questions , what do you want to automatic it to do? control it to play the game automatically ?
You are welcome, I have had an idea to control flash now :)
We will add the function in future update.