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Run flash

ReplyThanks 2014/11/20 04:29:46 0 0
Sorry, I am newbie of Botchief, who can teach me how to run flash in browser of Botchief editor? Thx all.
2014/11/20 08:32:47
Run a local flash file?
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2014/11/20 14:38:27
Run browser webgame , example : bachluyenthanhtien.com/choi-game/khuong-tu-40 id : augustrain695 pass: 123456 . Botchief only load iframe. So I want to create bot auto reg and create char for browser game. Many thx.
2014/11/21 00:08:10

hmmm, it is not English, it is hard for me to check.

But the page is not a flash page, can you please make your need more clear and make another example.

Thanks. we will try our best to help you.

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2014/11/21 01:28:16

Another example : game321.com

Choose any browser game which you like.(exp : pirates.game321.com )Then login

ID : testflash

Pass : 123456

After login, press start game.Choose any server which you like. Thank too much for your support.

2014/11/21 02:02:40

so after login, it is like this >>

Seems not a flash, what do you want to do then?

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2014/11/21 02:36:15
After login, press Game Start button.Choose any server which you like. (Exp : I choose server 115 which game you had choose at up , it will send you to this link : s115-angels.game321.com ) And this link need to test.
2014/11/21 03:46:01

Ok, I got it.

It is a flash game, Flash is not a html element, so it can't be controlled using the normal way.

We need make a research about how to control flash, I have some idea in my mind now.

I have some questions , what do you want to automatic it to do? control it to play the game automatically ?

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2014/11/21 04:13:42
Thank you for your support .. ^^ . Ah, I farm event of my game, the event open loto (bachluyenthanhtien.com/lato) in web, but must to be create character in game. I already success make auto create account and auto play loto with multi account , but can't create character in game ^^. If you can control flash in the future, maybe I will use Botchief create auto for game too. ^^ Thank you too much ... you really nice .. ^^
2014/11/21 04:34:00

You are welcome, I have had an idea to control flash now :)

We will add the function in future update.

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