You can choose random fingerprint in module settings.
This option change only general fingerprint, not font fingerptint.
Check the launch of the module with the option turned on and look at the fingerprints on this page:
For example, I ran the module (GeckoFx45) several times, and the prints are always the same:
oK, thanks for your feedback.
I will talk this with the programmer. Please wait for the news.
where are these setting in your software anti fingerprint option
i am planning to buy developer version but there is no video in which these setting are shown but at your sales page you are showing these setting for anti fingerprint
i want to change fingerprint which is not 100 percent unique but it should look like natural like kameleo
is it possible with developer version or not
can you add this function to auto generate fingerprint like kameleo does
i want to change fingerprint which is not 100 percent unique but it should look like natural like kameleo
is it possible with developer version or not
can you add this function to auto generate fingerprint like kameleo does
You can configure the fingerprint in the module settings.
but it is not changing the time zone with proxy time zone
proxy ip timezone is different from system time check at check2ip.com
tell me how to change the fingerprint of chrome browser
and screen resolution of chrome browser like marketbrowser
marketbrowser uses chrome
support screen resolution changing
fingerprint changing
i also want to do that telll me how to do