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Don't Spin Selection

ReplyThanks 2014/10/25 15:42:51 0 0

I have been having a hard time trying to figure out how to not spin sentences in an article.

Say I am writing a news type article and there are 4 sentences that I don't want SC to touch at all. Is there a way to select those sentences, so they don't get spun, but everything else gets spun? I mostly manually spin things, but being able to do that or auto spin would be nice. I thought by right clicking the sentence that might work, but it didn't. Thanks.

2014/10/25 20:04:22
you want to auto-spin other sentence except the 4 sentences ?
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2014/10/25 20:27:33
I think I figured out how to do what I want. It appears that SC doesn't spin any content as long as it's enclosed using <>
2014/10/25 21:08:39
yeah, it is html protect function. you can use this.
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<< < 1> >>
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