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BotChief Runner - Need help with running built-in modules

ReplyThanks 2018/06/27 01:26:18 0 0

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Module Development - wrkgml@gmail.com // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2018/06/27 11:03:25

Are you running the default modules please?

These modules are created before, and we haven't update it. Please wait for the update.

2018/06/28 11:31:55
2 # Aprilcaicai 2018/6/27 11:03:25

Are you running the default modules please?

These modules are created before, and we haven't update it. Please wait for the update.

Yes, these are the default modules that come with the package.
I never used them, but now I decided to try it.
On the official website of the program in the functions section it is written "Automate your tasks out of the box with our pre-set system bots".
Are any of them working? And how long to wait for the update?
Module Development - wrkgml@gmail.com // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2018/06/28 16:06:24

We haven't tested them. After we updated it, then it will work. Could you please wait for the news?

I am sorry, we cannot give you an accurate update time. Recently our programmer is a little busy. After they checked them, we will release the update soon.

So sorry for the inconvenience.

2018/06/30 19:49:56
4 # Aprilcaicai 2018/6/28 16:06:24

We haven't tested them. After we updated it, then it will work. Could you please wait for the news?

I am sorry, we cannot give you an accurate update time. Recently our programmer is a little busy. After they checked them, we will release the update soon.

So sorry for the inconvenience.

I understand. It's all right. But if you provide them in the kit, you still need to sometimes check their performance. It looks ugly, especially for new users, who just bought the program. This is unprofitable in the first place for you.
Module Development - wrkgml@gmail.com // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2018/07/02 15:11:01

Very thanks for telling us the truth. And you are right.

I will forward it to the programmer and our team leaders, wish they will take your suggestion into consideration.

Thanks for your help again.

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