Sorry for posting this here, but for some reason my support ticket won't go though:

Sorry for posting this here, but for some reason my support ticket won't go though:
Is there a window showing up when you click Start button to check your account?
Hi, it's happening again:
Network error, when trying to login.
Last time it got fixed by itself, like in 48 hours.
Does this mean i have to wait till the server issue is fixed?
Sorry for the late reply.
I just tested it in my side, and it works.
Please try to click the cache button to clean the old login in history, then re check your account status, and see if there will be window pop up.
If there is still problem for it, you'd better share us the screenshot of the error you get. Then we can know what exactly the problem is.
It seems that with every update the same issue keeps coming up again.
I already downloaded and copied the three folders (xulrunner29.0, xulrunner33.0, xulrunner45.0) into:
C:\Program Files (x86)
The program is still not running:
Any ideas?
Ok thanks for letting us know.
Please feel free to contact us if you need more help in the future.