I can not Run exe File after update botchief From 4.5.9 to 4.6.5. Please give an Example for this action
This is My path file: C:\new\MAXIMIZEWINDOWS.EXE
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I can not Run exe File after update botchief From 4.5.9 to 4.6.5. Please give an Example for this action
This is My path file: C:\new\MAXIMIZEWINDOWS.EXE
Hi, this is my Module that i tested: TESTMODULE.dat /editor/attached/file/20180130/20180130171854_3730.dat
Run Sucess this Action on this Module :
Can not run in Botchief 4.6.5
This is My path file EXE
This is my EXE file: /editor/attached/file/20180130/20180130172653_5318.rar
Sorry for the inconvenience.
i already informed the programmer to check it. Please wait for the news.
We will fix and release the update next time. Please wait for the news.
Here is the temporary solution:
Try to move the MAXIMIZE WINDOWS.exe file to 129 folder where you can find the BotChiefEditor.exe file.
Then do not enter the file folder path in Run EXE/BAT command's settings.
We know there is a little problem for it. We are fixing it, and will release the update in next version.
Please try the above method, then check if it works.
So sorry for the inconvenience.