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getphonecode confusion

ReplyThanks 2018/01/19 23:57:22 0 0


sorry for the complaints

but i really can not understand how gethonecode plugin is actually working...

i have read a post here in this forum where you explain something but it looks way too confusing to me.

Is there any clear tutorial where i can get some more info?


2018/01/22 14:42:24

Where will you use this plugin please?

Currently this plugin only can be used by BotChief Editor.

2018/01/22 15:03:01
i am trying to use it with BochiefEditor
2018/01/22 18:23:01

Please use these two commands (SMSPva Service and GetSMSCode Service) to solve the phone in Others category.

Please do not send the same post twice next time. Thank you

2018/01/22 21:50:46

ok. how do i install this SMSPva service?

i cant see it in the editor

2018/01/23 18:39:53
Create a module, then right click to choose Others=>>SMSPva Service.
2018/01/24 04:56:44

ok. thanks

listen, i have another question...

when i try to handle html SELECT-LIST... for example in google account creation page: the MONTH field, i tried many different options and i watched all the tutorial i've found but i still can not make it right... what would be the correct procedure?

i tried with a CONTROL OPERATE... to click on the list.. and then a SET VALUE

but it's not working

any clue?

2018/01/24 11:58:51

What is your PayPal/payment email account please?

Which website's month did you need to click? Any details to share to me?

2018/01/24 18:25:43
8 # Aprilcaicai 2018/1/24 11:58:51

What is your PayPal/payment email account please?

Which website's month did you need to click? Any details to share to me?

i am still evaluating the free version

wanna see if it's working properly before i buy it

i am talking about the GMAIL account creating page

2018/01/25 18:10:49
9 # vladimirkomarek 2018/1/24 18:25:43
8 # Aprilcaicai 2018/1/24 11:58:51

What is your PayPal/payment email account please?

Which website's month did you need to click? Any details to share to me?

i am still evaluating the free version

wanna see if it's working properly before i buy it

i am talking about the GMAIL account creating page

You'd better run the paid version. Cause the functions in free version are very limitation.

Here is $7 for 3 days trial version. You can have a try.

You can try to add 2 control operate function. One is to choose click, the other is to choose onchange in its settings.

<< < 1> >>
Input content.
Please verify you are human, fill the correct result of above arithmetic.
Advanced Option