What happened? Can you show a screenshot?
Try switching the browser version to GeckoFx 45
Settings - Switch Browser
What happened? Can you show a screenshot?
Try switching the browser version to GeckoFx 45
Settings - Switch Browser
I have switched many times !
but when I'm going to soundcloud it tell me that my browser need updates
Can you please show us the screenshot?
Also you can send us the url, we will check it on our side.
What happened? Can you show a screenshot?
Try switching the browser version to GeckoFx 45
Settings - Switch Browser
I have switched many times !
but when I'm going to soundcloud it tell me that my browser need updates
In my test module the main page of soundcloud is loaded without problems and does not issue any messages. On which page of the site do you receive such a message?
Perhaps you need to change User-Agent option in the module settings.