You have a nickname in Russian. Do you speak Russian? It will be so much easier for me to write to you. Your question is completely incomprehensible, what exactly do you want to do? Enter login for authorization? Or make a nickname when registering?
У тебя ник на русском языке. Говоришь на русском? Мне так проще будет тебе написать. Твой вопрос совсем непонятный, что именно ты хочешь сделать? Ввести логин при авторизации? Или сделать ник при регистрации?
I understood. When registering, you enter data, and then the instagram itself generates the login. And you need to copy this login received by the instagram?
Я понял. При регистрации ты вводишь данные, а затем инстаграм сам генерирует логин. И тебе нужно скопировать этот полученный инстаграмом логин?
In this example, I filled in the mail and name fields manually and did not add them to the module. Do it yourself.
Use Action:
Browser Operations - Scraper
In Actions options choose Scrape Type - Advanced Scrape
Create Variable and specify it in the section Save to Variables
Then press Select Control button and сlick on the login field
The field with the login will be highlighted with a blue border, and in the options there will be a table with the values.
Select the cell class (it has a random value) and delete it by clicking on the button Delete Select Row.
After that, check that the settings are correct by clicking on the button Find Html Item
If everything is correct, the field with the login name will be highlighted with a green border
At the bottom of the settings specify The properties need to scrape - value
Press Test button
As you can see, I got the right login ;)
During operation, it will be stored in the variable you specified. Do not forget to click on the SAVE button.