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Cant download content bomb

ReplyThanks 2017/07/12 09:10:26 0 0
cant download at this time please try again later, this is the message i am getting for like a week. i got the free content bomb from spinner chief
2017/07/15 16:58:38
I've got a related problem. Also bought SpinnerChief 5 a few days ago and wanted to download contenbomb now. I can't download it because Avast Antivirus blocks it. Win32:Malware-gen trojan is found. Doesn't sound very white hat to me :/
2017/07/19 18:59:01

It is a false alarm. Please add exception for Content Bomb in your anti virus software. Or close your anti virus software.

We do not pay any money for this company and have few backhat seo tool in whitehatbox app, so it gives us this alarm.

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