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BotChief Update Log

ReplyThanks 2014/07/03 12:34:29 1 0
Now we will post all update details here when there is an update every time.
Let's ROCK!
2014/07/13 07:07:14

Version 3.0.9

Added new variable type.

Added multi-level control selection.

Added new url load function.

Added Try-catch commannd.

Added password protection function for module.

Fixed the number variable compare bug.

Added the function to save the split string into a table variable directly.

Added the function to use variable for control selection condition.

2014/08/01 10:07:22

Version 3.1.1

1. Add "ProxySet" command.

2. Add the function that control index can use the double and string variable now.

3. Modify "Sleep" command to be able to use variable.
2014/08/04 13:35:47

Version 3.1.2

1. Fixed a bug in html page dom.

2. Improve Dom Tree Selection function.
3. Set a better User-Agent as default value.

2014/08/12 11:58:57

Version 3.1.3

1. Fixed some bugs.

2. Improved the GUI

3. Released 'Compile" function to build your modules to an alone software to run.

2014/08/29 08:25:54

Version 3.1.6

1. Add "UseragentSet" action.

2. Improved control search speed.

3 Added "Bug/Suggestion Report" function.

2014/09/17 00:26:17

Version 3.1.7

1. Add "Run CMD" action.

2. Add function to show variable range.

3. Add bulk-create task function in botchief.

4. Fixed a bug in global variable saving.

2014/11/20 23:57:02

Version 3.2.1

0. Add the function to operate multi-browsers at the same time.

1. Add "Set Current Browser " action.

2. Add "Open Browser " action.

3. Add "Close Browser " action.

4. Add the plugin function that allows any developer to write a plugin to add themselves service into botchief.

2014/12/25 06:41:11

Version 3.2.7

1. Fixed some bugs.

2. Add "Get Image " action.

3. Add "Clear Cookies " action.

4. Add "Page Load Wait " action.

5. Add "Send Email " action.

6. Add "File Process " action.

7. Add "Directory Process " action.

8. Add "Http Get" action.

9. Add "Http Post" action.

2014/12/29 11:34:44

Version 3.2.8

1. Remove current "Cookies Clear" function becuase of some bug, will add it again later.

2. Fixed a bug in "Page Load Wait " action.

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