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Use 2Captcha plugin or NewCaptcha to solve the reCaptcha!!!

ReplyThanks 2016/07/25 06:15:32 1 0

Download templates for solving reCaptcha here(you can change to your site to test):




How to use 2Captcha plugin?

We had added a plugin named 2Captcha, it can solve the common captcha and google reCAPTCHA. You must do the following steps before use this plugin to solve google reCAPTCHA:

1. Get your 2Captcha API key

2. Get the SiteKey of the page which you are trying to visit and has a reCAPTCHA.

You also can click this link to see how to find the SiteKey. https://youtu.be/ZqTMqCnY77Q

3. Get the page url which you are visiting.

4. Drag the 2Captcha plugin to your module, select "SolveRecaptchaV2" function and set the parameters.

5. After you get the recaptcha response, you need find a "textarea" control on the page by using following seek conditions, and set the recaptcha response as its "innerHtml" value.

Read more information from 2captcha.com

How to use NewCaptcha action? (There is some problem while using NewCaptcha action via 2Captcha or DeathByCaptcha, and we are solving it, so you only use it manually.)

The NewCaptcha also can solve the reCAPTCHA, you can use 2Captcha or DeathByCaptcha to solve them automatically. There are 2 tips you should know:

1. Fill your account information in Captcha Settings form.

2. When you set the action, you should select the image with description as the captcha image, just like this.

There are 2 samples for the NewCaptcha.

newcaptcha sample1 newcaptcha sample2


When you use 2Captcha in NewCaptcha action to solve the reCaptcha, you must change some settings here: https://2captcha.com/setting/edit

Change the "Priority api settings" option from "From here" to "From my software"

2016/07/31 06:18:08
not working
2016/07/31 23:33:21
2 # digall 7/31/2016 6:18:08 AM
not working

Wait minute, we will check and update it later.

2016/09/09 23:53:23
Can you guys make a video on this? Mine is not working, and solving captchas is an important part of botting. Thanks for your time and consieration. :)
2016/09/27 06:49:03
I tried in every way but I can not complete the recaptcha automatically. I also tried your module with 2captcha and apparently something works 2captcha fact gives me the resolution value of the captcha (something like "03AHJ_VusDh7uHcmuwssOysZd0F2ARfuI4uCXQUZmdtXlr_hIvD1zI322uQNDi8NNzlzyxzBJF1iEcWhnLklYiczug3ep4CyCc2YVGi_Wsk6QxLYi4pHBq_bcE3ULoK2ezMK67rd2KYIsWv6rbYfuFKahRI3Y0tY-i622i8EhVTiem74S9VHZN2jXCPI2uzYs9EpdxQfByAg_8fJm5IOrdUEQ5_NxEQriLUoLLw13K9gSFExGcplJfdcbjwH0Uvi8sKFEM6Rfk7FonwUm9NgyK9JNTQ0IT-dR3mV6LP_3zShwsetVz4NEObu11QbkC0b7bqgJYri_7iMitRxLrVTXbOiuwbhB6KGFx-4CJf5tmUREqdwK_uRFvk1jXj1K_I_9ssaImA3Bxr0bQUF6Yipyxemo1PUvh14NQAWf31qJVRqFOf5L7vAPgObGUSUjde7M9ktDueqkc6WRoscIV9feMuL_UhqMKhQO96-Y4JZBNzGTKlv7xjI_SlxHPIXjw2vzJ2Oeor8XVg9uBUV8ctSJzTA90IRtxaBsMcknHjZ2htw_aOLJlYj-c3molsR_j6g7VDfechcXWVIsh8F9EZEq3s17Y-dma2GP2U43FpQr1e-S8LeMeTVzh1vYWiJS-RulYcsm21jLx3F-NSMGDBsUetqB2MWJcwrifFVXtqbGT8lIrSFp12i19Jy_LSRm_HplKxkyEszeXt9VW0rqCigzUlg7KaVRp5IHVdS6TJ7RkHT0TQo269g5d- 82mrYm6Jd7ICZUUMag0GyN48OgqF_CGf0Gsl3rIDPNnO8Nj_f55SW03sxI7fwdGvyhEuOo1b_v4oPG_EBjksJzQzOpmdk9b34zI7PQ0mPSlO0o0A8iDtGbVOZWOsQ5wMi5dwzkLnImngfssdeNv_BYmCjIOeX0159S6N-kslfMy9b-ka6_h_xRP4NBIYrHdwJ2qksa5LRA32gTBfJZFXfCBeeqtwdnaqTCw6neax6Dd_yk-pppKYXryMZVqV4K4YiAStLd5PoiK8juPszoOdHzvpz8XvUAmespmZtVCITsv2zYPeJhY77sRq25G_YesR74fPXzJvMnu_tE3LsvVTEyIpnXars2DyFOa-KgD0XbvXFyu4KL4OzlDySRiRtUZDUTTRSFbU4XyQ5NML8-6NOcI ") but I do not know how to use it ... why do I need this code and as the imposed recaptcha solution? It would clear everything with a video
2016/09/27 23:50:17

Do you check our template?

when you get the recaptcha response, you need find a textarea control on the page by using following seek conditions, and set the recaptcha response as its innerHtml value.

2016/09/30 14:06:23
yes, I also tried your template.
I followed all your instructions but after setting the value of the textarea does not happen, nothing happens. It may be that dependent on the site in question?
I'm trying with this website, how do I find out if it depends on it?


Moreover even if imposed innerHTML, when I select the conditions to be added it is out of the rumor outerHTML me as you can see in the screen (I even tried to manually add the entries as in your screen but nothing has changed)

2016/10/08 00:43:40
7 # Max_il_Grande 9/30/2016 2:06:23 PM
yes, I also tried your template.
I followed all your instructions but after setting the value of the textarea does not happen, nothing happens. It may be that dependent on the site in question?
I'm trying with this website, how do I find out if it depends on it?


Moreover even if imposed innerHTML, when I select the conditions to be added it is out of the rumor outerHTML me as you can see in the screen (I even tried to manually add the entries as in your screen but nothing has changed)

Wait minute, we will test it first and then contact you later.

2017/02/12 06:34:01
There has been progress on this?
2017/02/12 21:52:38
Hi, it works on our side, can you send us your site link, we will test it using your site.
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