There are screening tests to detect color blindness and the followingspecialized tests to help understand the type and severity of color blindness.The Ishihara Color Test, or color blind test application, is a common type usedto diagnose color blindness.
The patient looks at a picture book of mixed colors to see if they candistinguish them. Pictures that contain dots of all different colors and sizes.A number or shape of a different color will be placed in those dots. People whoare color blind will have difficulty seeing numbers or shapes, or they may notsee at all.
How to overcome color blindness
To date, there is no complete cure for color blindness. However, you canrefer to some of the following measures to overcome color blindness:
Use a color filter: This is a type of glass developed with the abilityto increase the contrast between colors that the patient cannot distinguish.Filters can help colorblind people distinguish colors, but they cannot treatthe disease.
If the cause of the disease is due to the use of drugs or a complicationof another medical condition, the color blindness will disappear when you stoptaking the drug or treat the underlying condition.
In order to live without color blindness affecting patients, it isnecessary to learn to live with it. For example, children with color blindnessneed to be detected early and supported from a young age so that they do nothave difficulty with things related to color discrimination, such as learningthe order of traffic lights,...