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Hi, robert you mean you do not know how to use botchief?
1. about the public proxy, you can google it to know where to get.
2. you can use botchief runner to run it and choose to save the data that you need, or you can use write file action to save the data that you need.
3. please check this link to know how to use the command: http://developer.botchief.com/actions/botchief_actions.html
If there is still problem, please feel free to contact with us, thanks
That link was awesome! How come it is not easy to find on the homepage? So I ran my script and i got success, but no output to the file where the info is suppose to be saving. What do you think I am doing wrong?
1. Actually, when you open botchief editor, you can see it directly >> Actions Document
2. Use a new variable to save the other variables that you want to save.
eg. there are two variable (c,d) on my bot, use Variable Manager action to save c,d to the new variable a. And then use Write file action to save variable a directly.
Wish it is clear.
Btw, next time, please post your thread on the right section, it will be easy for us to check and solve it for you asap. thanks
This is totally not as easy as it seems. I wonder if I can upload my file to you guys for review. I don't know what I am missing. Maybe it is because I can't get the program to end right with the f'd up captcha for gmx.com.
Hi, robert i strongly suggest you to view some videos to learn before using this software. so many videos you can find on our forum, please check this link: http://www.whitehatbox.com/BBS/forum?fid=31#.VwSgguawreI
Of course, you can send your bot for us to check, but for some complicated steps, it's not free service, wish you can understand.
And i think that i have posted a very detailed steps for you.
Btw, next time, please post your thread on the right section, it will be easy for us to check and solve it for you asap. thanks