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Protect Words Never Works!?

ReplyThanks 2016/03/02 13:13:47 0 1

Operating System:Windows 10

Operating System Bit:64bit

Software Version:3.5

For all the years I've had X-Spinner, I've never seen the feature "Enable Protect Words" work. Now with the latest version it completely ignores the words in the program itself (X-Spinner) and it also completely ignores the protected words in SEO Content Machine(I'm using it with X-Spinner).

This is terribly disappointing. It's a key feature and should be working well in order to get good results. Otherwise it renders the whole software useless.

Why is this never fixed is beyond me..

2016/03/02 20:54:54
Hi, buddy, sorry for the inconvenience, we will check it asap, please wait for a moment
2016/03/03 00:40:25

does it work if you use the x-spinner itself test spin?

And please post the article and the project words you set, then we can make a test and fast fix.

In my test, it is working well.

And if you can, please post a picture of your x-spinner settings. Thanks.

Let's ROCK!
2016/03/03 08:38:49

Actually it does work in x-spinner! I just tested with the built in x-spinner tester and it works fine. It was my bad. I was trying to protect the words through SEO Content Machine first(forgot it doesn't work that way) and after numerous tries I've put the keywords in X-spinner while it was already spinning and so I guess it's why I thought it didn't work.

I do apologize for this ticket. But it still would be great if you can make it work through SEO Content Machine or other software. Because it's much more convenient that way. We can actually save the protected keywords in our projects instead of entering them every time the software starts.

Sorry again, regards!

2016/03/03 20:35:11

So smart you are, and we are glad to hear that you solved the problem. About your suggest, recently we won't add it, but we will put it on our work list and maybe add it in the future. very thanks for your advice.

Have a nice day!

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