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Tutorials for compiling exe?

ReplyThanks 2015/10/12 11:06:14 1 0
I have been thinking of buying either the devleoper monthly or lifetime version from here but I haven't seen a single tutorial in here to compile exe's or make forms or anything! I didn't even find anything noteworthy in the documentation! Compiling in exe would be like the only thing that i would need but I don't want my purchase to go in waste! Are there any good tuts here for that? Also can you add a few more basic and advanced tuturials! The one present are already good but not sufficient! They are detailed and really good, expecting you guys to release more of those tuts!
2015/10/12 19:56:06
I have been working on tutorials both Video and Text based. I will also be updating all the documentation to include examples as well as when each function is useful etc. So please be on the lookout for this! If you have any specific questions please send me your contact info whether that is Skype or email and I can help you out with your questions until the Docs and Vids are available to everyone!
Fuck BotChief! WhiteHatBox willl steal from you, disable your keys when they don't get their way
2015/10/12 21:58:23

Hi, Danksta, recently we are working oncreating single videos about compiling exe’s, making forms and any others, besides,we will also be updating all the documentation to include examples as well as when each function is useful etc. so, please look forward to, by the way, if you have any other questions, please feel free to have a contact with us or kabone76,in the same time, thanks for your help @ kabone76, have a nice day!

2015/10/22 22:57:43
Any updates on this?
2015/10/27 01:40:30
4 # Danksta 10/22/2015 10:57:43 PM
Any updates on this?

it is almost done, please wait for a moment. thanks.

2015/10/30 02:36:09
4 # Danksta 10/22/2015 10:57:43 PM
Any updates on this?

Hi, Danksta, Video for Compiling Program and making form has been finished, please check this link:


If you have any other questions, please feel free to have a contact with us, thanks for your support, and we are trying our best effort to make our software be a new level. Have a nice day!

2016/01/10 09:04:17
Thanks that video was extremely helpful :)
Emily Johnson
2025/02/24 14:21:10
great post. Thanks
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