the same thing is happening to me! I got a few bots and they are all expensive and only aiostream works! Im getting all sort of messages on this one:
pageloadwaitoperate timeout
error code - 1073741819
Bad end message confirmation you are not a robot
wait timeout
and the worse part is IM USING MY CAPTCHAS!!!
For example right now im running a campaign with 85 fails and 0 success.

I have waste so much money in captchas with this garbage bot. Honestly I deserve some kind of compensation. Im complaining since 6 months! Support doesn't solve anything. They always answer the same stupid messages. "all good on our end" I DONT CARE IF IT WORKS GOOD FOR YOU!!!! IT DOESNT WORK GOOD FOR ANY OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine I also own trafficbotpro V2 and I have been trying to run more than one task at the time for 6 month now and I can't?
Again all support says is: " the program works good for you"
You guys charge lot of money for the quality of the actual program. I will go even beyond! A crack version works way better than the original software! How is that even possible?
Honestly I don't know what are you going to do? Or give me a full version of the software once you fix it or give me all the money I have send in catpchas I don't know but I NEED AND ANSWER AND A SOLUTION!!!
Please DO NOT ask me again to write to support, support is unsupportable!