Hi, I got query time reach limit while today usage only 1. I have no idea about this. Please fix this as I have been waiting for 3 days but got the same error. Thank you

Hi, I got query time reach limit while today usage only 1. I have no idea about this. Please fix this as I have been waiting for 3 days but got the same error. Thank you
There is a problem with the display of these values, we are fixing it, please wait for the update.
You can consider upgrading your account in this page if you are looking for gaining more queries per day:
I do not use this actually, someone hack my account as I posted my script here and forgot to remove my account details. I have changed my password and reset the api but it still get an error. Do you think the old values is still accessible?
Please fix my account. Its been a week I cannot use it. Thank you
Please check whether your username and password contain special characters. If so, your API may not work.