* Points can be changed by logging in to the StormProxy management screen after changing the global IP. If you select one back-connect proxy, you can copy and paste it into the Trafficbot2 proxy without saving it as text! If you have a lot of proxies and the input is difficult, you can save it as text and import it!
If the VPN is not used, enter the global IP as it is in the StormProxy. If you are using a VPN, enter the IP that was forged by the VPN into the StormProxy.
Thanks for your reply.
If you need more help, please contact us in the future.
@ Ornekali
Did you try above solutions?
Please combine the information you saw into a string.
The format:
ip: port: username: password.
You can leave it blank if there is no need username and password.
The same problem here, getting no connection.
Pictures would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Could you please show us the screenshot?
Or you can contact us through suppot tickets.