Hello . Can PVA Creator auto create US AppleID accounts?

A tutorial document on the Spotify version is attached.
You just need to fill in all the required information in the software.
You can also list the one you cannot understand, we are glad to send the details to you.
Hello, I just purchased PVA Instagram Creator.
After Downloaded & extracted the files, I tried to open pvacreator.exe, it doesn't open at all.
Nothing happens..
Can someone please help...?
@jimin lee
I notice that you have already resolved your problem in another post, glad for you.
YouTube version seems impossible. I purchased the YouTube version and the tutorial is very limited. It is asking to input the api and the username of our smspva account, but it does not say if we need to rent a phone, or buy a sim or whatever. So what do we have to do? it is not clear at all!
Please elaborate
YouTube version seems impossible. I purchased the YouTube version and the tutorial is very limited. It is asking to input the api and the username of our smspva account, but it does not say if we need to rent a phone, or buy a sim or whatever. So what do we have to do? it is not clear at all!
Please elaborate