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What is an essay and how to write it correctly?

ReplyThanks 2021/07/15 20:32:02 0 0

Essay in French means an attempt or trial, an essay or a short story that is written on the basis of your own thoughts. The literary genre of prose stories has a small volume, and the presentation of the material takes place in a free form. The author may describe action or events, expressing his own opinion. The use of colorful epithets, impressions and emotions is allowed. They should refer to a specific occasion, have an argument and necessarily an interpretation of some ox essays reviews.

An essay as a story

To write an essay, the author can use different artistic constructions and genres. One can allow for subjective opinion, as there is no task of interpreting personal opinion in a story. The author is free to make his or her own assumptions about anything. The founder of this literary genre was the French writer Michel Montaigne. He used this style of narration in his book "Experiments", describing various events in people's lives. Stories were devoted to conscience, hypocrisy, honor, and at the same time the author expressed a personal subjective opinion, which in other styles of presentation was not allowed.

The essay is characterized by several features:

  • It is a fiction-publicistic genre that finds use in the modern literary world.

  • Similar stylistic narratives are also used in print.

  • Authors bring their originality of thought to the forefront instead of facts.

  • Informational texts are supported by facts, while stories are supported by personal opinion. To do this, the author uses arguments.

  • In the essay you can not only describe any events, but to reason about these topics.

  • To show his unique syllable, the author can use slang if the stories belong to the genre of modern literature.

All colors of language can be applied depending on the emotional state of the author. There are no restrictions here when it comes to stories that are printed on the Internet. However, editors may refer to a number of rules for publication, which apply only to the sphere of publication, where stories of some genre must be placed.

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What is an essay

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