The settings of the ads click task is wrong. Test this one please, then check if it works.
This is the running results in my side:
Add following useragent to Manage UserAgent interface first before run the task:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Let me know if it works well.
Are you testing the task i share to?
Do you have Skype? you can add our Skype whitehatbox i will inform our programmer to help you check it via teamviewer directly.
Waiting for your news.
Yes it works. Custom function can do all you needs.
Let us know if you need help.
Loop at the top of this post, then you can see how it works.
Let me know if there is still problem to setup it.
For example, starting from the main site url, can navigate through 5 different sub-pages sequentially?
This is great if all the options in the Custom operate section are sampled in detail.
Switch between pages + scroll mouse. Like a real person.