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How to click inner page with Custom option.

ReplyThanks 2018/09/12 10:57:07 0 0

Here is an example:

1.Add a Load Url module, save the settings.

2.Add a Control Operate module, use Select Control option to select the item you want to click, then you can click Verify Selections option to confirm if you selected successfully, if success, then the border will become green.

3.Click Save button to save the settings, then you can test run the settings (right click the Control Operation):

bodbell bodbell
2018/10/19 17:15:52
How to scroll the page after the click?
2018/10/19 18:50:51

In Custom Operate command, you can use the Mouse Emulation module to do the scroll operation.

2018/10/24 04:00:48


do I have this in my TrafficBotPro Search Engine Version?

please let me know or should I update to what version.

2018/10/24 11:02:01

Sorry, this function is only available in the full version of TrafficBotPro.

Will you consider to upgrade your current version to full version please? What is your version right now?

Waiting for your news.

2018/11/26 23:43:45
Hello, as you have shown, I want to apply a scroll command after making a click, but when I did the process, you showed the error '' we could not find the controls ''. When I select a random command, it writes successfully, but it does not immediately scroll or close the page. I've tried different combinations for hours, but it doesn't work. Please tell me how to scroll on the page that opens after clicking it.
2018/11/28 18:48:56
Sorry, only adsclick function has the scroll function.

If it says do not find control, which means you do not find the element in the page correctly. You can try to test the module you add, then add a Sleep module after that module, we guess probably it runs too fast, so it does not load the page fully before it do the click operation.
2018/11/29 04:08:39

Thanks for the answer, but I have one more question.

I'm doing the settings correctly in the ad click version.

The settings are as follows:
1- Swipe up to the time set on the page.
2- After navigating, click on the ad and scroll through the ad page and close the window.
Error: Does not click the ad, but the operation writes successful.
Can this problem be solved?
2018/11/29 15:38:22

Could you please tell me how you setup all settings?

You can tell me what task you need, then send all needed data to me. I will help you test and create the sample in my side.

2018/11/29 19:29:18

selected settings from support. ticket name 1.bin

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