Are you using the web or desktop version of SpinnerChief 6? If you want to use the web version, you can register for an account on this page to use:http://account.spinnerchief.com/
If you want to use the desktop version, please download a WhiteHatBox v1.3.5 to install first:
Note that the latest installation package for WhiteHatBox is WhiteHatBoxSetup.msi
I found one more method:
You can download Spinner Chief here: http://www.whitehatbox.com/SoftwareUpdate/Download/d693b361-ff81-4d39-9eef-c0cd019d38fe.zip
I also uploaded the zip file to Google drive.
You can download the zip file via this link:
After you download the software, you need to unzip the zip file first and then you can install the software.
If you don't have the WinRAR, you can download it here: https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0 or download 7zip from the Internet.
But if you cannot open the software, first, please check if those necessary files in the attached document are on your computer.
After downloading and installing all the necessary files, restart the software.
You can use my email to use the free version of SpinnerChief. :)
Any questions, please feel free to let me know. I'm here to help you.
How to get SpinnerChief 6 free version:
If you haven't received email for a long time, please tell me your email. Thanks.