I have elite version of Spinnerchief II and I have been playing with SC3 for the past 4 days. Here are some bugs that I have noticed:
1. Protect Words does not protect
2. Batch Spin feature does not work
3. Unlike spinnerchief II, Cloud thesaurus is not as readable as the default thesaurus. Most of the time, it overspun article to the extent that they become almost unreadable.
4. No option for synonyms amount.
Great work by the way. I'm looking forward to the success of SC3
Hi mgg2629, thanks for the feedback.
We will check the problem you report and fix in the update. I have some questions about the problems you got>>
2. Batch Spin feature does not work ? Have you got any error message when you use the function? why do you think it is not working?
3. About cloud thesaurus, SC3 is using the full same cloud thesaurus to SC2. Which spin function did you use ? Normal Spin or the Super Spin? which settings?
Another suggestion; could you put an option to give priority to the "favorites" but that will also allow you to use the cloud thesaurus for words or phrases that have no favorites?
For example, for the phrase "some people know this", I only have favorites marked for the word "know", but I also want the words "some" and "people" to be spinned using the cloud thesaurus.
I like the option of adding your favorites, but you practically need to build your own thesaurus so it can be used to its full extend. With this option, you can combine the best of both worlds
Thanks for your reply.
About the batchspin problem: The Batch-spin loops endlessly, and the green progress bar got stucked at 25%.
Now, since yesterday, the super spin progress bar for just one article spin also got stucked at 25%. So now, I cannot no longer use it until it is fixed. Am I the only one experiencing this?
Hello Vincent,
Did a little stint with SCIII. I observed that:
1) Using the English cloud thesaurus with autospin Freq=0 sends SCIII into an endless spin. It only occurs if auto spin is selected on the spin tab.
May i suggest
2) if a kill switch for such an endless spin is possible instead of restarting the software which is currently the only option to break such endless spin.
I also observed that the thesaurus management interface is still unchanged and same as that of SCII.
May i suggest
1) Auto sorting to be inbuilt into the thesaurus instead of wasting many minutes it takes if the manual autosort button is clicked. Sorting currently takes up to 3mins for a moderate thesaurus and scrolling is difficult after sorting.
2) A search feature to facillitate a quick word search on the original wordlist
and finally
3) A way to search word occurences and original words they are linked to.
A spin profile which saves favorite settings for spinning would be a welcome feature.